Ikelite 12, 6038.50 instruction manual S T a L L a T IO N, Camera Setting, Inserting the Camera

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IMAGE REVERSING CIRCUIT______________________________________________

The image r eversing cir cuit is m ounted inside the housing￿ The circuit reverses ￿flips￿ t he image and words on the LCD s creen so that when the i mage is reflec ted in the exte rnal mirror￿ it app ears cor rect left￿ to￿right￿

Plug the re versing circu itry into the AV Out port on th e camera before secur ing the camera to th e tray and then slide the came ra and tray inside t he housing￿ The reversing circuit will aut omatically turn ON wh en connecte d to the camera a nd the camera is ON ; the image and words in the LCD scr een will appe ar in reverse￿

On￿Off Switch

An on￿off switch is featured on the reversing cir cuit￿ Use the re versing circuit control on the housing t o access th e on￿off switch on th e circuit￿ The circuit wi ll automatically turn ON w hen connected to the camera an d the camera is ON￿

When tur ning t he camera OFF￿ th ere is a ￿￿ minute standby power down d elay on the camera that occur s when the reversing circuit is ON d uring power down￿ Therefore to a void the ￿￿minute power down delay￿ turn the camera OFF and also turn the circu it OFF to pow er down the camera immed iately￿

Functions Locked Out

When the reversing cir cuit is ON￿ some came ra functions may be locked out￿ To correct for such a pr oblem￿ temporarily turn the circu it OFF￿ change the funct ion on the camera￿ and then turn the circuit back ON￿

FINAL PREPARATION_____________________________________________________

Remove t he lens c ap and cord from the camera￿ Otherwise￿ they may interfere

with the hou sing seal￿



The camera￿s auto focus featur e is utilized unde rwater￿ For be st results￿ move in

close to your s ubject and use the wide angle range to sh oot thr u as l ittle water as

possible￿ Th e full zoom range is accessible underwater ￿

Turn the c ameraMs built￿in flash OFF￿ Chart shows recommended initial settings







Power On￿Off

Camera ￿On￿

Zoom Lever


Wide Angle Setting



Auto Mode



Auto Mode

Program AE


Auto Mode

Shutter Speed


￿￿￿￿ Normal

White Balance


Auto Mode ￿see section￿

Steady Shot



Built￿in Flash



WHITE BALANCE_________________________________________________________

Initially set the white balance to Auto￿ Use the touch scre en controls on the housing to change white balance ￿

Color Filter: When using the color filter ￿during the day￿￿ set cam era white balance to Auto for ￿ ￿￿￿ foot d epth￿ For ￿￿￿￿￿ foot depth ￿ set whit e bala nce to Outdoo r￿ Video￿Lite: When using optional Video Lite at NIG HT￿ set the came ra white balance to the Indoor p osition ￿ During the DAY￿ use the Outdoor setti ng for subjects beyo nd

￿￿￿ feet and the Indoor setting for close r subjects￿





















CAMERA TRAY____________________________________________________________

The camera mounts to the tray￿ which extends from the back plate of the

housing￿ DO NOT remove the tray from the back plate￿














Position the camera against the two stabilizing

Internal Lens Shade


Back Plate










pins on the tray and secure with the camera







































mounting bolt￿ The camera should fit easily on the




















tray and should be parallel with the sides of th e tray￿







































The lens shade must be threaded completely into


























































the camera lens to avoid clearance or sealing problems￿























Camera Tray

















Cam r Mounting Bolt
















Check that the oMring is clean and properly positioned on the lip of the clear housing back plate￿ Check that the lens shade is completely threaded into the c amera￿

Once the camera is mounted to the tray as sh own above￿ pull the housing controls out to provide clearance for installing the camera￿ Connect the reversing cir￿ cuit cable to the AV Out port on the camera￿ then slide the camera into the housing align the housings zoom control to accept the cameraMs zoo m lever￿ Make sure the lens shade on the front of the camera fits into the port recess in th e front of the housing￿

DO NOT force this installation; the camera and tray should slide easily into plac e so the housings back plate oMring is resting agai nst the main housing body￿ In this position the lid snaps can be positioned over the lid hooks on the h ousing back plate and snapped into position to seal the housing￿

HOUSING CONTROLS_____________________________________________________

Slide the housing controls back in place making sure they properly align with the camera functions￿

Operate each control to see how it works with the camera￿ Some controls such as start￿stop will be used frequently￿ Other controls may seldom be utilized￿ Refer to your camera owner￿s manual for the proper function of each camera control￿ Look thru the back to be sure that you can see into the viewfinder￿

When using the housing controls￿especially the start￿stop￿ do NOT use excessive force because you could damage the camera￿


Remove the lens cap and cord from the camera￿Ot herwise￿the cord may interfere with the housing seal￿

If the housing controls are not properly positioned￿ they could interfere with the housing seal￿

MANUAL FOCUS OPERATION_____________________________________________

Manual focus may be preferred in low lig ht levels or w hen the subject possesses little contrast￿ Set the focus pad on the LCD screen to Manual to cancel the auto focus￿ If you want to manually adjust the focus￿ rotate the manual focus control as desired￿

To reactivate the auto focus￿ set the focus pad on the LCD screen to Auto￿


￿￿ West ￿￿rd Street • PO Box ￿￿￿￿￿ • Indianapolis￿ IN ￿￿￿￿￿ USA • ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Email: ikelite@ikelite￿com www￿ikelite￿com


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Contents E P a R a T I O N Housing ControlsIkelite Video Case Sony HDR SXInserting the Camera Camera SettingS T a L L a T IO N