z light path inside camera body
zlight path inside viewfinder
uMirror Shutter
vFiber Optic Screen
The light from the lens is projected onto a screen (a fiber optic screen in the 416 cameras), which acts as a rear projection screen. This is where the viewfinder image forms.
wField Lens
The field lens (named as such because located close to the image field) refracts the light into the entrance pupil of the primary viewfinder lens and the video assist lens.
xVideo Assist Beam Splitter 80% of the light passes straight up, while 20% is reflected to the side and projected through the video assist optics (not pictured) onto the video assist CCD sensor.
ySupplementary Lens
UProtective Glass
An optically clear glass plate on the top surface of the camera body pro- tects the components underneath from dirt contamination.
VSupplementary Lens
WARRIGLOW LED Module Red green and blue LEDs are situ- ated on an electronics board above the partial mirror.
XPartial Mirror
The light from the fiber optic screen is reflected into the viewfinder.
At the same time, the light from the ARRIGLOW LEDs above is let through. This light is then reflected off the frame line markings on the fiber optic screen, providing illumi- nated frame lines when needed.
at 90 Degree Prism
ak Primary Lens
Picks up the image from the fiber optic screen.
al Mirror
am Pechan Prism Automatically keeps the image upright when the viewfinder is rotated. Also allows for manual image rotation.
an Secondary Lens
Provides the image for the eyepiece. ao Mirror
ap Protective Glass
Located at the mechanical interface to the eyepiece or eyepiece extension, this protective glass prevents dust from getting into the viewfinder optics.
aq Eyepiece
The eyepiece allows the operator to view the image. It also provides a focus adjustment of approximately +/- 3 diopters.