5. Troubleshooting
Before taking your camera in for repairs, check your camera referring to the following table.
What’s | Viewfinder LCD | Cause of trouble | Means to solve | How to operate |
happening |
Shutter |
| Battery drained | Load new |
| batteries |
| |
release |
| |
No LCD |
| |
button |
| |
indication |
| |
depressed | Improperly loaded | Properly replace |
| |
| |||
lightly but |
| ||
| batteries | batteries |
| |
LCD does not |
| ||
| |
light. |
| Main switch turned | Turn ON main |
| OFF | switch |
| Shutter speed LCD | Beyond exposure | Change | When dark: Open |
| flashing | control range | setting | aperture to |
| smaller |
| When bright: close |
| aperture down to |
| larger |
| Beyond metering | Too dark: Use |
Flashing LCD | Aperture & | range, Subject too | photo lamp, flash |
shutter speed | dark | unit |
| |
warning | flashing |
| |
| Subject too bright | Too bright: Use | Adjust exposure |
| ND filter | by ND filter factor | |
| ||
| Battery mark | Battery drained | Load new |
| flashing | batteries |
| |
| ||
| Camera set on |
| “P, A, or M” mark | multiple exposure | Cancel ME mode | Press on ME |
| flashing | (ME) mode |
| button |