About the supplied software
The supplied
Install the software on to your computer before use.
•PHOTOfunSTUDIO 7.0 HD Edition (Windows XP/Vista/7)
You can load 2D and 3D pictures, 3D motion pictures, and motion pictures recorded in [AVCHD] or [MP4] format on to your computer, and categorize and organize the loaded pictures by recording date, type of digital camera equipment, etc. Motion pictures recorded with [AVCHD] can be used to create normal, standard quality DVD videos.
You can also write pictures to DVD, combine multiple pictures to create a single panoramic picture, or create a slide show by adding your favorite audio and/or music. These pictures can then be saved onto a DVD.
•QuickTime (Windows XP/Vista/7)
This software is required for creating panorama pictures and for replay in “PHOTOfunSTUDIO 7.0 HD Edition”.
You can also play back motion pictures (.MP4/.MOV extension) recorded on a digital camera.
•LoiLoScope 30 day full trial version (Windows XP/Vista/7)
LoiLoScope is a video editing software where that draws out the full power of your PC. Creating videos is as easy as organizing cards on top of a desk. Use your music, picture and video files to create videos to share with your friends and family by burning it to a DVD, uploading it to websites, or simply share your videos with your friends via
– This will only install a shortcut to the trial version download site.
For more information on how to use LoiLoScope, read the LoiLoScope manual available for download at the link below.
Manual URL: http://loilo.tv/product/20
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