JVC KWR710 instruction manual Warranty

Page 23










Warran ty applies only to PROD UCT distributed in Ca nada by JVC Ca nada Inc.


JVC CANADA INC . (herea fter ca lled "JVC')gives the followin g express warranty for each new JVC product distributed


Canada by JVC and sold by an authomed JVC dealer. JVC wa rrants that this JVC prod uct is free. under norma l use and


maintenance. from any defects in material and wo rkmanship subject to the fol lowing te rms and conditions·



La garantls·applique seulement aux PROD UITSdistrlbues au Canada pa rJVC CanadaInc

JVC CA NADA INC . ( ci-apres appete "JVC") enonce Ia ga rantie exp resse suivante pou r tout nouveau produit JVC distri bue

au Canada par JVC et vend u par un detartlant JVC autorise. JVC vou s garantrt que ce prod uit est deg ag e, sous utilisat ion et

entretien no rmal. de tou t defau t materiel et de fabricat ion so us reserve des moda trte s et co nditions survantes ·

1. To Ob tain Warran ty Se rvice:



(a) JVC product requiringservice must ilA presente dtogether


withproof of purchase



(b) The JVC product must be bro ugh t ir: lor service to an



authorize r! JVC Service Centre.






This Warranty shalt not apply to:



(a) Repair or replacement of anycaiJ inP.Is. balleries. plates.


connect ioncords. ant ennas. dust covm .knobs . speake r


grills, speakercones. projection scree ns.rrowctro r



save rs. ancl all accessories.


3. Standards



If dllY detects shouldhe fOtliiCIin aJVC produ ct willrin!tie


'ipp licaoleterms. necessa ryrepans sha ll bernad i'at no cos t !o


th epurcha ser tor parts or labo ur whe nJVC acknowledges that


scrch de!eels arredue

faulty material or workma r1 slr rp


Exclus ion of All Otlm Express Warran ties·


T!1iswarranty constifules liw entireexpress warranty given by


JVClor JVC prod uctsand no dea le r or service centreperso nnel


r r l1rs its or thei rag ent or employee is or are au thorize dto


ext end or enlarge !his warranty on behalf oi .JVC


Di sc tarmer of Conse quential Damage:


Pou r obteni r un service de garanti e:






(a\ Les prorluitsJVC rrecessrtanl ur1se rvicedoit r1trc



Lagara ntie ne couvrepas !'eliminat ion d'rnterlerences


avec Iaprevue actrai




siatiques ou elect rr quesde Iavoilure . lenettoyage detete.


(b) Leprodu rt JVC doit etre app orte pour

se rvicechez un ce ntre


tes ajus temen tset !es coOt sde maindce uvre associesa


de se rvice JVC autorise




en leveme nt ouaIareinstallation de !unrle pou r reparation






Criteres :


Celiegarantie ne sapplique pasaux




Si un produ it JVC s'averait defectueux, selon les co nditions


fa) Repa ratro nou remptacement de tout

cabinet. batterres .


applicab tes . tes reparations necessaires seront effectues


pa rr nea uavant. cordons de racco rd. anten nes. housses


san scoOtsadditionnels a!'acheteur pour les preces et Iamain


de protect ron. boutons. co uve rts de liautparleur

co nes de


d'reuvre torsque JVC rec onnalt qu edetel isdelectuos itessent


hau lpa rleur. ecrans deprojection . protecteurs d'ecran de


causees par une defectuositede maier re! oudelabrrcation .

(b) Any detectscaused or repairs requr red

as a re sult of


misuse abusivp, operation, neg ligence

improper useand/or


insufficient care



Any defect caused or repa irs requrred as aresult of not


lollowing the instructions inthe operation ma nual

(d) Any JVC product tampered with,adjusted or reparred by


any part yother than JVC or author ized

JVC Serv rce Centre





Any JVC productsonwhichtheserial number has been


de faced . modifiedor removed.



Maintenance,clean ing or perrod ic check-up

(g) Conversion toloreign or domesIrevolta geor lrequency.

To the extent the iaw pe rmitsJVC disclaims any responsibrlity

tor toss ol lirne or useof itsproduct . transportation co sts.

oran yother indirect. incidental or consequential damage or



Pr oduct


Labou r

(Yea rs)



Projection TV In-Home Service



Colou r TV In-Home (25" and above)



0-ILARear Projection In-Home Servrce




projection et tousles acces so rres

(bl Tousdefauts occasionnes ou reparations requ ises sur!eaune


utilisatr onabusive. rn auva rse. negligenteeti ou un eutilrzal ron


inc orrecle


To us de fau tsoccasionnes ou reparations requise ssuite


aIomiss ronde suivre tes recommandations du man uel


d'in struction

(di Tout produit JVC altere, a1uste ou r epa n~ par tou t autre


ent reprrse que JVC ou uncentrede service entre tien ou de


servrce autorise JVC

Tout produit JVCdon! le numero de serie aete altere. modi lie


ou en leve


Excl usio n de fo utes autre s ga ranties ex press es.


Cettegarant !econst ituet'enlieregarantie exp ress donneepar


JVCpour les produits JVC. Nul rep resen tant ou employedun


detailt ant ou dun se rvice d'entretien n'est autorise aprolonger


cettegaran tieau nomdeJVC.


Denegat ion des dommages indire cts:


Dans !amesureperm ise par Ialoi . JVC nretoute res ponsabilite


pour perle de te mps ou d'usage de ses produits des cootsde


transport ou to ut au tr edornmageou incon venrent indirect,


acciden tet et con seq uent.


(h) AnyJVC product wrthout theCanadianElectrica l Saf ety


Regulations ID


AnyJVC productsusedfor co mmercial or ins titutionaL


rental. or disp lay purposes



1year (except video head - 90 days)


Labour ... 90 days


AnyJVC product wh ich has been reso ldan d no longer owned


by the ori ginal purchaser.

(k) Product purchased lrom 'ou tside Canada", .. bankruptcy ·or



(I) Any defects caused by fire. flood. lighlnrng power surge. or


ot her eventsbeyond the con trol of JVC



Warranty does not cover elimina ti on of car static or electrical


interferences .clea ning ol head, adjustment s or labour cost

LCD TV In-Home Service (25" and above)



'In-Home service to be provided whe re avai lable.


Where it is not available. the purchaser must assume the

respon srbi lity and ex pense for the proper packing, ship ment

and all costs as sociated with the del ivery ol the equipment to

and !rom the closest JVCAuth orrzed Service Centre.


Recer vers and HomeSpeakers purchased



separately. Front Projection an d Car



.~ u d o "ARSENAL" Series



AC Ad apters , Remote co ntrols .



Headphones , Microphones and Projector

90 days

90 days




Wood Cone Speakers




L'entretien, les verifications periodiques et nettoyage.

(g) La conve rsionaunelrequence ou une te nsion etrangere ou





(h) To ut produil JVC nayant pas tesrgne d'idenlilication qui


conforrne auxnorrns et ectrrques Ca nadiennes(CS A).

(i l

Pour tou t produit utilise ades fin scommerciates.



. de locationouutilise ades fins d'etalage


Pieces .

.... .

1An (Excep teles tetes video- 90 tours)


Main doeuvr e

90 Jours


Iii Tout prod urt JVC ayarr t rite reve nduet qui rr 'est pius Ia


prop rretede acheteu r origi nal


(ki Proau il achetea'l'exterie ur du

Canada " provenan t dune


"tai tlrle"

oud'un "ti quidaleur"



Tout dommagecause pa r lefeu

une inondation. un ec la ir


une su rtension ou tout autre evenement hor sdu controte de




Ma -Dcw;~r


(A nnee s)


Ecransde projection Se rvrce aDomicile




TVCouteu rSe rv rce aDornici'et25'et , ,us)



T\f projection arriereD- ILA ServiceaDomrci le



EcransdeLCD Se rvrce aDo micil e(25 'el plus)



'Service adomici le lourni par undetaillant disponible


S'nil 'yapas de se rviceJVC dispon rbleaprox imite.!'acheturdoit assumer

Iaresponsabilile el tes coOts pour un embailageadequat Iexpedition,ainsi

quetauslescoOts assoc:es a:ati vrarson de l'equipe ment chezetdepuisie

deta rit anl JVC autor,se lepluspres pour un servrce

dent retien


Recepteurs et Hauts -Pa rteu rsac hetes



se paremenl Project eur Avant et Aud iod'Au lo



de Serie




Adaptateurs AC. Te te comma nde. Casque

90 Jou rs

90 Jours

D'l~co ule

Microphones el Lampede Projecl eur



fo r the removal or reinstallation oilhe unit for repair

All Other Catego ries




Enceinte aCone en Bars





Toutes lcs autres categor re s








6070 kestrel Road. Missisauq a On tarro L5T t S8 Canada


TEL (905) 670-

3381 FAX . (905)670


Service to ll tr ee#




hltp //www.jvc .ca

E-rnarl se rvice@jvc ca


Product Registration






We su ggest that you reo ister your product sin ce it will enableus to contact youdrreclly if it isever necessary to correu asa fety related

condition in your product You can register at

htln/iwww IVC.ca /www/Support/Warranty aspx


For customer use:






Enter below!he Mode! No

and Serial No wl1rcl1 is 'ocated either on the rear bottom or sideof

the cc. br nef Retainthis informa tionlo r fu ture







Model No






Purchase date




Name of dealer








6070 kestrel Road . Mrss rsa uga . Ontario. L5T 1S8 Canada



(905 ) 670-3381FAX(905)670- 7244

Service toll tree# 1-800-964



Enregistreme nt du produit


//www.jvc .ca

E-mail: service@jvc.ca









Nous vo us con sertlon sd'enregist rer votreproduri car il rrou spermettra de vouscontacter direc ternenl si tamaiselle est neces sarre pour

corr rger unprob teme lie aIasecuritede volreproduil

Vuus pouvez vo us inscrirealillp//www.JVCca/www/Suppor i/War ranty awx

Pour !'utilsation des clients







Entrezci-dessous te numcro de mode leel ienmnerode seriequi se trouvRsoil ararriere . enbas ousur lecotede l'amw irc

Conservez ces

rn!ormalron spour reference future






No. de modele:




No. de serie



Da ted ac hilt




Norn durevenrleur:



Image 23
Contents Recepteur CD Manuel Dinstructions EspanolMade for 8 iPod CD Receiver Receptor CON CDContents LilBI!JIB Turn on the power Adjust the volumeFaceplate PTY ~~~ Audiobooks HIP HOP, Weather English IConnect a portable audio player commercially available Connect the Bluetooth adapter, KS-BTA Separately purchasedRegister pair the Bluetooth device with KS-BTA100 Start using the Bluetooth deviceOpen the Pandora application on your device Press and hold the volume knobTon English To on Displayed only when L/0 Mode is setto SUB.WMode Or DAY Color is changed by turning on or off your cars About discs and audio filesUnplayable discs HeadlightWithout unsupported files, and of 8hierarchies. · Maximum number of characters forFiles FolderStation name+ Album title/Artist+ Track title+ Playing time Change the display information+Frequency+ Program type PTY*1 Turn on or does not work Cannot be detectedDo not use too many hierarchical levels and folders IPod/iPhone does not50Wx4 22Wx4 20Hz-20kHzSubject to change without notice 20Hz-20kHz Connect the 8 terminal of the car battery Reset the unit.+ Basic procedurePart list for installation Installing the unit in-dash mounting~~ ~ Frontoutput JoinDevolvida ao fabricante ou importador JVC Kenwood Corporation1213DTSMDTJEIN ResiduQsAl w To OUR Valued Customer Do not attempt to service the product yourselfWarranty

KWR710 specifications

The JVC KWR710 is a versatile car audio receiver designed to enhance your driving experience with a blend of outstanding performance, modern technologies, and user-friendly features. This head unit is engineered to be compatible with various media formats, making it an ideal choice for music lovers seeking high-quality audio in their vehicles.

One of the standout features of the JVC KWR710 is its Bluetooth connectivity. This allows drivers to seamlessly connect their smartphones or other compatible devices to the receiver, enabling hands-free calling and wireless audio streaming. The integrated Bluetooth technology supports voice commands, making it easier and safer to manage calls without taking your hands off the wheel.

Sound quality is a key focus of the KWR710, which is equipped with a built-in amplifier that delivers 50 watts of power per channel. This ensures loud, clear audio that can fill your vehicle, while the 13-band graphic equalizer allows users to customize sound output to suit personal preferences. The audio enhancements provided by this EQ make a significant difference, ensuring that every track sounds its best.

The JVC KWR710 also supports various media inputs, including USB and AUX ports, which allow for direct connection to USB flash drives and portable devices. This feature is perfect for those who have music collections stored on USB devices, as it facilitates easy access to a vast array of songs without the need for CDs. Additionally, the receiver supports playback from digital audio files, including MP3, WMA, and WAV formats, ensuring compatibility with a range of audio sources.

Another highlight of this model is its display. The KWR710 features a vibrant 1-line LCD with adjustable colors, providing easy visibility and readability even in bright sunlight. The customizable interface allows users to choose the color that best fits their style or matches the interior of their vehicle.

Furthermore, the KWR710 is equipped with a user-friendly interface, featuring large buttons and straightforward menus for easy navigation, making it simple for users to find their favorite tracks or adjust settings while on the road.

In summary, the JVC KWR710 is a feature-rich car audio receiver that combines advanced technology with excellent sound quality. With Bluetooth connectivity, multiple media input options, a powerful built-in amplifier, and an intuitive design, it stands as an impressive choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car's audio system. Whether you're commuting to work or embarking on a road trip, the KWR710 delivers a superior listening experience that transforms every drive into an engaging auditory adventure.