1. Notice
2011 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All rights reserved.
6SHFLÀFDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXW notice.Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V or their respective owners. Philips reserves the right to change products at any time without being obliged to adjust earlier supplies accordingly. The material in this manual is believed adequate for the intended use of the system. If the product, or its individual modules or procedures, are used for purposes other than
WKRVHVSHFLÀHGKHUHLQFRQÀUPDWLRQRIWKHLU validity and suitability must be obtained. Philips warrants that the material itself does not infringe any United States patents. No further warranty is expressed or implied.
Risk of injury, damage to TV or void of warranty! Never attempt to repair the TV yourself.
Use the TV and accessories only as intended by the manufacturer.
The caution sign printed on the back of the TV indicates risk of electric shock. Never remove the TV cover. Always contact Philips Customer Support for service or repairs.
Any operation expressly prohibited in this manual, or any adjustments and assembly procedures not recommended or authorised in this manual shall void the warranty.