NEC LCD1970V user manual NEC LCD Series

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NEC LCD Series



























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We hereby declare that the equipment specified above






















conforms to the technical standards as specified in the FCC Rules.

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Image 55
Contents MultiSync LCD1970V MultiSync LCD1970VX MultiSync LCD1970NX Manufacturer’s Recycling and Energy Information IndexCanadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement Contents Turn off the power to your computer Display SetupUSB Cable DVI Cable Top Power Cable Bottom Power Button Raise and Lower Monitor Screen Figure M.1 MountingFigure F.1 Flexible Arm InstallationButton Menu ControlsInformation AccuColor Control SystemsTools Menu ToolsControls Recommended Use Safety Precautions and MaintenanceRecommended Use Monitor MultiSync LCD1970VTM Specifications SpecificationsMonitor MultiSync LCD1970VXTM Notes Specifications 578 Features No picture TroubleshootingReferences Limited Warranty TCO’99 -Black Models FAX Number +46 8 782 92 Mail Internet TCO’99TCO’03 -White Models Manufacturer’s Recycling and Energy Information Page Informations FCC AvertissementLa boîte* de votre nouveau moniteur NEC MultiSync contient ContenuConfiguration de I’affichage Configuration de I’affichage suite Bouton d’alimentation Levez et baissez l’écran du moniteur Figure M.4 MontageInstallation du bras flexible Commandes de luminosit contraste CommandesMenu Outils Commandes suiteSystéme de contrôe des couleurs AccuColor OutilsSIGNALs’ affiche Consignes de séurit et d’entretien Usage recommandéErgonomie Usage recommandé suiteUsage recommandé suite Fiche technique Fiche technique suite #14$$ Fonctions Dépannage Références Garantie limitée Qu’est-ce qu’implique léco-étiquetage? Pourquoi des ordinateurs éco-eiquetés?Exigences environnementales Mercure TCO’99 suitePlomb CadmiumFélicitations Orange Non allumé Déclaration du fabricant Délaration DE Conformité NEC LCD Series
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LCD1970V specifications

The NEC LCD1970V is a 19-inch LCD monitor that gained popularity for its combination of performance, features, and reliability, making it an ideal choice for both professional and home use. Launched as part of NEC's MultiSync series, the LCD1970V delivers impressive display quality and ergonomic design, catering to a variety of computing needs.

One of the standout features of the NEC LCD1970V is its 1280 x 1024 native resolution, which provides clear and sharp images suitable for numerous applications, from office productivity to multimedia consumption. The monitor utilizes a 19-inch active matrix TFT LCD panel that ensures excellent color reproduction and brightness levels, reaching up to 250 cd/m². This allows users to enjoy vivid visuals and accurate color representation, essential for graphic design, photo editing, and other color-critical tasks.

In terms of response time, the LCD1970V boasts a 5 ms typical response time. This quick response ensures smooth transitions in fast-moving graphics, reducing motion blur during video playback and gaming. The monitor also features a contrast ratio of 1000:1, enhancing the differentiation between dark and light colors, which contributes to the overall depth of the images displayed.

Another impressive characteristic of the NEC LCD1970V is its wide viewing angles of 160 degrees both horizontally and vertically, thanks to its advanced IPS technology. This feature allows multiple viewers to enjoy consistent image quality, regardless of their position relative to the screen, making it great for collaborative environments.

Connectivity options on the NEC LCD1970V include both VGA and DVI inputs, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices. Additionally, the monitor supports plug-and-play setup capabilities, making it easy for users to connect to their computers without the hassle of complicated installations.

An ergonomic stand with tilt and height-adjustable features adds to the monitor's versatility, allowing users to create a comfortable viewing experience tailored to their specific preferences. This adaptability, combined with its energy-efficient design, adheres to various environmental standards, making the LCD1970V a sustainable choice.

In conclusion, the NEC LCD1970V merges quality display, superb ergonomics, and user-friendly features, establishing itself as a reliable monitor for work and play. Its combination of resolution, color accuracy, and fast response times makes it a well-rounded option for various users.