4.Once logged into the system, the 4. main window will appear. For a first time setup, have the DSNet Manager scan the network by clicking on the “Menu” option, followed by “Rescan Network”. This will attempt to detect all DS128 and DSRXL units currently available on this network.
B8 indicates the DS128 broadcaster unit. The default label
R2 indicates the DSRXL receiver units. The default label can be edited through the software.
This indicates a connected display device and speakers. The default label can be edited through the software.
Indicates an available port on the DS128 transmitter. “NC” indicates a port with no Receiver unit connected to it.
•Save Settings to File:• save all settings to a file as backup.
•Restore Settings to File:• use a previously saved configuration file to restore configuration settings.
•Restore Factory Settings:• restore the DSNet system to the factory default settings.
•Upgrade Software:• upgrade the Broadcaster software.
•Save User Name and Password:• Save the user name and password login, so as not to be prompted again.
•close the DSNet Manager window
Instruction Manual