The basic installation procedure of parallel system is the same as that of single module system. The fol- lowing sections only introduce the installation proce- dures specific to the parallel system.
Cabinet Installation
Parallel system composed of two UPS modules
The two UPS modules that will form the 1+1 system should be placed
Preliminary Checks
Each UPS module should have the same rating, the same firmware and the same hardware version. Refer to the instructions in Conditions for Paral- lel System on page 1.
Protective Devices
Refer to the instructions supplied in the Liebert NX installation manual,
Power cables
Wiring of power cables is similar to that of single module system (see the Liebert NX installation man- ual,
The length and specifications of power cables including the bypass input cables and UPS output cables should be the same, thus the load can be shared evenly in bypass mode.
Parallel Control Cables
Make the connections described below on the paral- lel logic board (M3) inside the Liebert NX:
•Connect one end of the
•Connect one end of the
•Connect one end of the
•Connect one end of the
The connections are shown above in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Connecting 1+1 system parallel control cables
#1 UPS Module | #2 UPS Module |
Parallel Board |
| Parallel Board | |
X5 |
X4 |
| X4 |
| |||
| 3 |
| |||
4 |
1 | 2 | UPS Unit |
| 3 | Parallel Connection Board | |
| 4 | Interconnecting Cables |
Commissioning a Parallel System
The operations in this section must be performed by authorized electricians or qualified technical personnel. If you have any difficulties, contact Liebert Global Services at
Check the input and output wiring of each UPS mod- ule. Ensure that the phase rotation sequence of the main inputs and the bypass inputs and outputs of each UPS module are the same. Ensure the parallel cables are connected firmly.
It is assumed that the installation is complete, the system has been commissioned by authorized per- sonnel and the external power isolators are closed.
Before startup, disconnect the load.
Start the UPS modules separately and set the parameters of each UPS module through configura- tion software. Pay particular attention to the param- eters directly relevant to the parallel system:
•UPS Configuration: Each UPS module belonging to the parallel system should be set as Parallel configuration.
•UPS ID No.: Each UPS module should have a unique identification number in the parallel system.
•Parallel system requisite UPS units: Set the mini- mum number of UPS modules to support the user’s expected load. For 1+1 systems this settings needs to be set to 1.
•Parallel system redundant UPS units: Set the redundant number of UPS modules which will not cause the parallel system transfer to bypass even