JVC LVT1055-001A manual KS-HP1K, Jvc Jvc=, Jvc Jvc =

Page 80

How to connect the crimp connector /



=￿￿ / «‘∏’µËÕ¢—È«µËÕ ”À√∫Àπ’∫—

Wire connecting the battery and the parking brake switch

=￿￿= = = =￿￿

“¬∑’˵ËÕ°∫·∫µ‡µÕ√’Ë·≈—– «‘µ™Ï‡∫√°¡◊Õ

Attach the parking brake wire to this point.






µËÕ “¬‡∫√°¡◊Õ∑’Ë®ÿ¥π’È

Contact the metallic part of the crimp connector to the wires inside.







„ÀÈ«π∑’ˇªÁπ‚≈ÀË –¢Õßµ«Àπ’∫— ¡º— —°∫— “¬¢È“ß„π

Pinch the crimp connector firmly.

=￿￿￿=￿￿= K


BConnections Adding Other Equipment /

You can connect an amplifier and other


equipment to upgrade your car stereo system.

Connect the remote lead (blue with white


stripe) to the remote lead of the other



equipment so that it can be controlled through



this unit.


For amplifier:




– Connect this unit’s line-out terminals to the

amplifier’s line-in terminals.


– Disconnect the speakers from this unit,


connect them to the amplifier. Leave the


speaker leads of this unit unused.


/￿￿=￿￿=￿￿=￿￿ / °“√µËÕ‡æ‘Ë¡‡µ‘¡‡¢È“°∫Õÿª°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ—



































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∑‘Èß “¬µ–°«≈”‚æßË— ¢Õß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’ȉ«È

Required connections for DVD playback / DVD




/ DVD=


=￿￿ / ®”‡ªÁπµÈÕßµËÕ ”À√∫°“√‡≈Ëπ— DVD










Headphones (not supplied) *4



Audio/video control amplifier or the decoder compatible with the multichannel digital sources




















F *4














=￿￿F *4









ÀŸøß— (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“æ√ÈÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß) *4



·Õ¡æ≈‘‰ø‡ÕÕ√ϧ«∫§ÿ¡‡ ’¬ß/¿“æÀ√◊Õ‡§√◊ËÕß∂Õ¥√À— (decoder) ∑’Ë“¡“√∂„™È‰¥È°∫´Õ√Ï—¥‘®‘µÕ≈·∫∫¡≈µ‘·™π·π≈—















When using JVC’s KV-MR9000 and KS-HP1K, connect using a conversion cable of this type (not supplied).








￿￿JVC ￿=KV-MR9000 ￿=KS-HP1K



























‡¡◊ËÕ„™È KV-MR9000·≈– KS-HP1K¢Õß JVC µËÕ‚¥¬„™È“¬ª√–‡¿∑π’È(‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“æ√ÈÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß)

Digital optical cable (not supplied)

=E F

=￿= =E =￿￿F

“¬¥‘®‘µÕ≈·∫∫ÕÕ浑§Õ≈ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“æ√ÈÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß)


See “About sounds reproduced through the rear terminals.”













¥Ÿ‡√◊ËÕß ‡°’ˬ«°∫‡— ¬ß∑’Ë’√ȓߢ÷ÈπºË“π¢«µËÕÈ— ¥È“πÀ≈ß—


Wide color monitor (not supplied)

=E F

=￿￿= =E =￿￿F

¡Õ𑇵Õ√Ϯհ«È“ß’ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“æ√ÈÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß)

Video cord (not supplied)

=E F =￿￿=E


Stereo mini plug



ª≈Í°— ‡µÕ√‘‚Õ·∫∫‡≈Á°

RCA Pin plugs



ª≈°∑’Ë¡’—Í ¢“·∫∫ RCA





To listen to disc playback sound while in Dual Zone


operations (See page 30 of Instructions.)


=EDual ZoneF=






=30 ￿￿F

*4 ￿￿=￿=









‡æ◊ËÕø߇— ’¬ß®“°·ºËπ¥‘°Ï¢≥–°”≈ß„™Èß“π·∫∫— Dual Zone (¥ŸÀπÈ“




Cordless headphones (not supplied) *4 (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“æ√ÈÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß)


F *4

￿￿= =E

=￿￿F *4

ÀŸøß·∫∫‰√È—“¬ (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“æ√ÈÕ¡‡§√◊ËÕß) *4

Amplifier /


= / ‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬

Rear speakers



Remote lead












JVC Amplifier











‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC


Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)


￿￿=￿￿=E￿= =￿￿= =￿￿F

“¬‡§‡∫‘≈ ≠≠“≥— (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°∫™ÿ— ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Y-connector (not supplied with this unit)


YJ =E￿= =￿￿= =￿￿F

¢ÈÕµËÕ√Ÿªµ«— Y (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°∫™ÿ— ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)

Remote lead (Blue with white stripe)


￿￿=￿￿=E￿￿= =￿￿= =￿￿F

†“¬µ–°«•Ë—–¬–‰°• (†’øÈ“·•–¡’·•••“¬†’¢“«)


Firmly attach the ground wire to the metallic body or to the chassis of the car—


to the place not coated with paint (if coated with paint, remove the paint before


attaching the wire). Failure to do so may cause damage to the unit.







































µËÕ≈«¥ “¬¥‘π„ÀÈ·πËπ‡¢È“°∫µ—«∂—߇À≈Á°— À√◊Õµ«∂—ß√∂— ˙ µ√ß «πË






°ËÕπµËÕ≈«¥ “¬¥‘π) À“°‰¡ËªØ‘∫µ‘µ“¡§”·π—–π”π’ȇ§√◊ËÕßÕ“®™”√ÿ¥À√◊Õ‡ ¬À“¬‰’ ¥È












To automatic antenna if any

















Front speakers




°√≥ÏÕ◊Ëπ‡ “Õ“°“»‰øøÈ“Õµ‚π¡—µ‘—À“°¡’


JVC Amplifier

Front speakers













‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ’¬ß JVC




You can connect another power amplifier for front speakers.

￿￿= =￿￿=￿￿=￿￿= = =￿= K

∑Ë“π “¡“√∂µËÕ‡§√◊ËÕߢ¬“¬‡ ¬ß’ ”À√∫≈”‚æßÀπÈ“‰— ¥ÈÕ’°‡§√◊ËÕßÀπ÷Ëß

External component /



JVC CD changer jack





À«‡— ¬∫’ ¢Õ߇§√◊ËÕ߇≈Ëπ´’¥’¬’ËÀÈÕ JVC

/= / Õÿª°√≥Ï¿“¬πÕ°

KS-U57 *6



Signal cord (not supplied with this unit)

￿￿=￿￿=E￿= =￿￿= =￿￿F

“¬‡§‡∫‘≈ ≠≠“≥— (‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°∫™ÿ— ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)



External component



*6 Line Input Adapter KS-U57 (not supplied with this unit)














Õ·¥ª‡µÕ√Ï“¬ ≠≠“≥‡— ¢È“ KS-U57(‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°∫™ÿ— ¥ª√–°Õ∫π’È)


Image 80
Contents §·π-π How to reset your unit Position And Reproduction Of LabelsFor safety Before USEContents Control panel How to use the Mode M buttonLocation of the Buttons Disc basic operation buttons Stop, 8 pause, 3 playDisc advanced operation buttons ¢ reverse search/forward searchInstalling the battery Remove the battery holderPlace the battery Return the battery holderTurning on the power To drop the volume in a momentTo turn off the power Basic OperationsSetting the clock Adjust the hourFinish the setting Select OffOff Activating the level meterMeter Listening to the radio Searching for a station automatically Auto searchDisplay returns to the source indication When an FM stereo broadcast is hard to receiveSearching for a station manually Manual search FM station automatic preset SSM Manual presetStart automatic preset Storing stations in memoryTuning in to a preset station Selecting a preset station directlyTune in to a station in this example 92.5 MHzSelecting a preset station using the preset station list Display patterns change as followsPlayable Discs Disc structureDiscs you can play ALLMP3 discs About sounds reproduced through the rear terminalsThrough Digital OUT optical About Dual ZoneBasic Disc Playback Starting playbackOpen the control panel Insert a disc into the loading slotDisplay indications when inserting a VCD or CD MP3 discLocating a particular title/ chapter/track To stop playback temporarilyTo stop playback To eject a discFrom the remote controller Locating a particular folderTo locate a particular title/chapter/track directly On-screen guide iconsSelect a desired subtitle language DVD/VCD Special FunctionsSelecting subtitles Selecting audio languages Selecting multi-angle viewsSelect a desired audio language or audio channel Select a desired view angleTo cancel the title list or menu To cancel the PBC playbackMenu operations While playing a VCDMove the zoomed-in portion on the monitor ZoomZoom in to the picture Advanced Disc Operations Searching for a particularPoint Time SearchChapter Search Time 2Time 0 Time 23Select the repeat mode you want Repeat PlayTrack OFF Track Folder OFFDisc OFF Random PlayIntro Scan Listening with headphones Dual indicator appears Source automatically changes to DiscDual Zone Operations DualAdjust the headphone volume through the 2nd Audio OUT plug To adjust the headphone level, use the remote controllerTo cancel Dual Zone operations, repeat steps On the control panelBasic procedure for DVD, VCD and CD OSD Disc OperationsOperations on the monitor screen Press OSD onceWhat you can do on the on-screen bars Move to an item on the menu bar, then press EnterSelect an option or enter a chapter number For VCD and CDMP3 Control screen Basic procedure for MP3 discsOperations from the remote controller When you insert a disc Other Disc OperationsBasic disc playback To start playback againOn a disc To go to a chapter/track quicklySelecting a folder/track to play using the lists To select a folder and start playbackTo skip to the next or previous folder Select the number 1 6 for the folderTo select a track and start playback To cancel Repeat Play, select Repeat Off by Press Mode M to enter TrackChapter Title Off You can play back tracks on a disc or in a folder at randomDisc Off TrackTo cancel the prohibition and unlock the disc Prohibiting disc ejectionWhile pressing SRC, press and hold for more than 2 seconds If the information cannot be shown at a time, itShown, Audio DVD Setup MenuBasic setting procedure To return to the normal screen ScreenTo set other items on other menu screens Menu Language Audio LanguageSubtitle On Screen LanguageAudio PCM onlyDolby DIGITAL/PCM STREAM/PCMSound Adjustments Adjusting the soundPress the number button to select the sound mode you want Press EQ equalizer onceStoring your own sound adjustments Press EQ equalizer once Make adjustments as you likeStore the adjustment you made Select the sound mode you want to adjustChanging the general settings PSM Basic ProcedureSelect the PSM item you want to adjust Other Main FunctionsPreferred Setting Mode PSM items ClockNTSC/PAL ColorTo adjust the display contrast level Contrast To select the source animation on the display-KeyIn CFMTo select the scroll mode-Scroll To select the display illumination pattern LCD TypeTo select a proper video system Ext InputTo select the telephone muting- Telephone To turn on/off the key-touch tone-BeepSelecting the dimmer mode Setting the desired color for each source Changing the display colorSelect the display color All SRC*1Select the user color adjustment Press 5 up or ∞ down to adjust the selected primary colorCreating your own color-User ScreenCapital a z small Numbers, and symbols Select a character To erase entered charactersMove the cursor to the next Or previous character position Sources Maximum number CharactersDetaching the control panel Attaching the control panelWhen the current disc is an MP3 disc CD Changer OperationsPlaying discs Select the CD changer CD-CHTo change the display information To fast-forward or reverse the trackTo go to the next or previous tracks To go to a particular disc directlyHow to go to the desired track quickly To go to a track quicklyTo skip to the next or previous folder only for MP3 discs Ex To select track number 32 while Playing track numberDisplay can show only six disc names at a time To select a disc using the disc listsDisc list Folder list Track list To play back tracks repeatedly Repeat Play To play back tracks at random Random PlayRepeat Track Repeat Folder Repeat Off Repeat Disc Repeat Track Repeat Disc Repeat OffTo play back only intros Intro Scan Random Folder Random Disc Random Off Random AllRandom Disc Random All Random Off Intro Track Intro Folder Intro OffAdjust the sound characteristics you want. See pages 47 External Component OperationsSelect the external component Line Before operating the external componentSound modes preset frequency level settings Sound Preset equalizing values ModeAdditional Information Available charactersLanguage Codes Code LanguageGlossary FM/AM TroubleshootingSymptoms Causes Remedies Picture are Disc PlaybackSelect 43 LB. See Output signals through the Digital OUT terminal Output Signals Playback DiscDigital Audio OUT PCM only Dolby DIGITAL/PCM STREAM/PCMMaintenance Handling discsAM Tuner SpecificationsFM Tuner ¡’ª≠À„π√„Èßπ Power cannot be turned on Fuse blowsNo sound from the speakers Sound is distorted ===Control panel Trim plate HandleDashboard Rubber cushion Lock PlateInstall the unit at an angle of less than 30˚ 30˚ = WasherDashboard Fire wall=LLINE OUT Audio OUT=DIGITAL OUT Digital OUT==EF WSee diagram B See diagram B = BTo an accessory terminal in the fuse block Fuse block 212V 250 mA 200 mAJVC JVC = KS-HP1KJVC JVC=