JVC KD-SV3105 manual When using the optional stay / ‡¡ËՄȵ-«¬÷¥·‡≈Õ‰¥â, Removing the unit

Page 36

When using the optional stay / ‡¡◊ËÕ„™Èµ—«¬÷¥·∫∫‡≈◊Õ°‰¥â

Fire wall

Stay (option)


µ—«¬÷¥ (‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È)




Screw (option)

°√Ÿ (‡≈◊Õ°‰¥È)

Install the unit at an angle of less than 30˚.


When installing the unit without using the sleeve / ‡¡◊ËÕµ‘¥µ—Èß™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫‚¥¬‰¡Ë„™Èª≈Õ°ÀÿÈ¡

In a Toyota for example, first remove the car radio and install the unit in its place.

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*2 Not included for this unit.

Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*2


*2 ‰¡Ë‰¥È„ÀÈ¡“°—∫™ÿ¥ª√–°Õ∫π

°√ŸÀ—«‡√’¬∫(M5 x 8 ¡‘≈≈‘‡¡µ√)*


















Flat type screws (M5 x 8 mm)*2



°√ŸÀ—«‡√’¬∫(M5 x 8 ¡‘≈≈‘‡¡µ√)*
















: When installing the unit on the mounting bracket, make sure to use the 8 mm-long


screws. If longer screws are used, they could damage the unit.



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Removing the unit


Before removing the unit, release the rear section.

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Insert the two handles, then pull them as illustrated so that the unit can be removed.

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To prevent short circuits, we recommend that you disconnect the battery’s negative terminal and make all electrical connections before installing the unit.

Be sure to ground this unit to the car’s chassis again after installation.


Replace the fuse with one of the specified rating. If the fuse blows frequently, consult your JVC car audio dealer.

It is recommended to connect to the speakers with maximum power of more than 50 W (both at the rear and at the front, with an impedance of 4 Ω to 8 Ω). If the maximum power is less than 50 W, change “AMP GAIN” setting to prevent the speakers from being damaged (see page 24 of the INSTRUCTIONS).

To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.

The heat sink becomes very hot after use. Be careful not to touch it when removing this unit.


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Heat sink ·ºËπ√–∫“¬§«“¡√ÈÕπ

PRECAUTIONS on power supply and speaker connections:



DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the power cord to the car battery; otherwise,

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the unit will be seriously damaged.

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• BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the power cord to the speakers, check the

speaker wiring in your car.















































































































The fuse blows.

* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?

Power cannot be turned on. * Is the yellow lead connected?

No sound from the speakers.

* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?

Sound is distorted.

*Is the speaker output lead grounded?

*Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?

Noise interfere with sounds.

* Is the rear ground terminal connected to the car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords?

Unit becomes hot.

*Is the speaker output lead grounded?

*Are the “–” terminals of L and R speakers grounded in common?

This unit does not work at all. * Have you reset your unit?


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Image 36
Contents VCD/CD Receiver KD-SV3105How to reset your unit How to forcibly eject a discContents How to read this manual How to use the Mode buttonControl panel KD-SV3105 Parts identificationDisplay window Remote controller RM-RK120 Installing the lithium coin battery CR2025Main elements and features Getting started Basic operationsCanceling the display Demonstrations Setting the clockTo activate the display demonstration Radio operations To tune in to a station manuallyWhen an FM stereo broadcast is hard to Storing stations in memoryReceive Listening to a preset station Manual presettingDisc operations About MP3 and WMA discsMP3 and WMA discs playback/search order Prohibiting disc ejection To stop play temporarilyTo stop play and eject the disc Playing a disc in the CD changer About the CD changerMP3 discs playback/search order in the CD changer To fast-forward or reverse the trackTo go to the next or previous tracks To correct a mis-entry and to return to the previous menu For MP3 discs For WMA discsMP3/WMA control screen Operations On-Screen OSD informationText / , or a Or WMA discTo select a folder To select a trackMode Plays repeatedly Mode Plays at randomSelecting the playback modes Sound adjustments For Preset valuesAdjusting the sound To do RangeGeneral settings PSM Basic procedureIndications Selectable settings, reference Detaching the control panel Detaching the control panelExternal component operations Playing an external componentMaintenance More about this unit General settings-PSM Playing an MP3/WMA discChanging the source Ejecting a discTroubleshooting Symptoms Causes RemediesDisc playback MP3/WMA playback CD changer Specifications Audio Amplifier SectionRefer to page of How to reset your unit Having Trouble with operation?Installation/Connection Manual Parts list for installation and connection√µ‘¥µ-Èß√ª√-Õ·ºßÀπȪ-∑¡Ï‡¢È When using the optional stay / ‡¡ËՄȵ-«¬÷¥·‡≈Õ‰¥â Precautions on power supply and speaker connectionsRemoving the unit Connecting the parking brake wire / µËÕ ¬‡√¡Õ Connecting the crimp connector / «‘∏’µËÕ¢-È«µËÕÀ√-Àπ’Typical Connections / √‡ËÕ¡µËÕ·ªµ Connecting the monitor / √µËÕÕ¿æ KV-MR9010

KD-SV3105 specifications

The JVC KD-SV3105 is a versatile and feature-rich car stereo designed to enhance the in-car entertainment experience. This model stands out for its combination of sleek design, advanced technologies, and user-friendly functionality, catering to both music lovers and casual listeners.

One of the primary features of the KD-SV3105 is its compatibility with various media formats. It supports playback from CDs, USB drives, and AUX inputs, allowing users to enjoy their favorite tunes from multiple sources. The stereo is equipped with a front USB port, making it easy to connect and charge devices such as smartphones and music players, while also allowing direct access to digital music files.

The KD-SV3105 boasts a powerful amplification system, providing robust sound quality that can be customized to the listener's preference. It includes a 4-channel output, delivering up to 50 watts per channel, ensuring that the music can be enjoyed at various volume levels without distortion. Additionally, the stereo offers a 3-band equalizer with selectable presets, allowing users to tailor the sound to suit different music genres or personal tastes.

In terms of connectivity, the JVC KD-SV3105 provides seamless integration with smartphones through Bluetooth technology. This feature allows for hands-free calling and wireless audio streaming, making it safer and more convenient for drivers. The stereo is compatible with both Android and iOS devices, ensuring broad accessibility for users.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the KD-SV3105 is its bright and easy-to-read LCD display. The display provides clear visibility of track information, making it simple to navigate through songs and playlists. Additionally, the adjustable display colors allow users to match the stereo's aesthetics with their vehicle's interior.

The KD-SV3105 also incorporates several convenient features such as a built-in FM/AM tuner with presets, allowing listeners to easily access their favorite radio stations. Furthermore, it includes a detachable faceplate for added security when leaving the vehicle.

In summary, the JVC KD-SV3105 is a well-rounded car stereo that integrates modern technology with user-friendly features. Its multiple media playback options, powerful sound, Bluetooth connectivity, and customizable settings make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to upgrade their in-car audio system. Whether for daily commutes or long road trips, the KD-SV3105 promises an enjoyable and dynamic listening experience.