SoundMax SM-CDM1039 instruction manual Usb, Aux, Rca

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Contents SM-CDM1039 Table of contents Important safeguards Installation/ Connections Installation wayPage Connection scheme Panel controls Front panelPower Button Inner panel Functions of controls General operationsEqualizer setting Mute functionSubwoofer control Beep Sound Off functionRadio operations RDS function Function AF Alternative frequencyFunction TA Traffic announcement Local radio station searchFunction Mask DPI- Mask all Retune S / L ‒ Short / Long functionCD/ / MP3/ WMA/ USB/ SD card operations Discs for playbackUSB/ SD/ MMC notes Loading/ eject a discPausing playback Multi-session CD readingInserting the USB/ SD device Playing the previous/ next trackRandom playback Intro playbackID3 Tag function for MP3/ WMA modes Search function for MP3/ WMA modesRCA line out Subwoofer outputMP3 overview Anti-theft system Detaching the front panelAttaching the control panel Remove the unitCleaning Handling compact discsTroubleshooting guide Specification Page Дтт Page Page Page Open Eject Scan PTY / CLK RDS PLAY/PAUSE INT RPT Page Open LED Reset «GOOD-BYE» VOL+ FM д Д тTA г дг д AF тт ттДг т г PTY Mask DPI- Mask all Retune S/L ‒ Short/ LongCD д/ SD т/ USB тт USB/ SD/ MMCДд д т Multi-session CD д USB/ SD тUP 10/ DN 10 д MP3, WMA ID3 Tag д MP3/ WMA IntroSearch д MP3/ WMA AUX USBRCA Mp3 CD-R CD-RW, д MP3 PWR Open CD 3 Дт т т MW д Дтг д