SoundMax SM-CDM1032 instruction manual Дт т т

Page 54

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Image 54
Contents CD/MP3 Дт тTable of contents Important safeguards Installation/ Connections Installation wayDetaching the control panel Attaching the control panel Connection scheme Panel controls Front panel15. F / PS Button Inner panel Remote Control Functions of controls Radio operations Mono/ Stereo control in FM radio mode Automatic store, Automatic scanProgramming tuner stations Function TA Traffic announcement RDS functionFunction AF Alternative frequency Local radio station searchFunction Mask DPI- Mask all Retune S / L Short / Long functionUSB/ SD/ MMC notes CD/ MP3/ WMA/ USB/ SD card operationsDiscs for playback Multi-session CD readingPlaying the previous/ next track Pausing playbackInserting the USB/ SD device Fast forward and backward playbackSearch function for MP3/ WMA modes Intro playbackID3 Tag function for MP3/ WMA modes Track searchRCA line out Subwoofer outputPage Anti-theft system Cleaning Handling compact discsTroubleshooting guide Cause SolutionDisc Radio Does not Specification CD / SD / USB WMA Page Page Page Open Page Page Передняя панель USB/SD/MMC = AUX Open LED Reset Eject Дтг APS/TRACK SearchPage Page FM д RDS Д тAF тт тт TA г дг д Дг т г PTYMask DPI- Mask all Retune S/L Short/ Long CD д/ SD т/ USB тт USB/ SD/ MMCMulti-session CD д USB/ SD т Дд д т UP 10/ DN 10 д MP3, WMAIntro ID3 Tag д MP3/ WMASearch д MP3/ WMA USBAUX RCAWMA CD-R CD-RW, MP3 Power Open CD 3 CD 3 , , CD Page Дт т т Page MW д Тт гт т д-гтт Дтг д Гт т т