4)Use light gray or buttons to change the picture control setting.
5)To change another picture control setting press the SYSTEM MENU button and select another picture control using the light gray
or buttons. Repeat step 4 to change the picture control setting.
6)To reset the picture control settings to the factory default settings, enter the picture control menu and use the light gray button to highlight RESET and press the light gray ENTER button.
NOTE: The light gray PIX control and light gray VOLUME and + buttons on the remote control can also be used to adjust the picture control settings. When using this method highlight RESET and press the or + button to reset the picture controls to factory default settings.)
FMM ON/OFF options - Turns the wireless FM Modulator on or off.
1)Press the SYSTEM MENU on the remote control, the following screen will appear:
2)Use the light gray (down) arrow on the remote control to highlight FMM as shown below: