Saving email addresses
You can associate an email address with each entry in your phone book. Later, when addressing a text message, you can quickly enter the email address by selecting a name in your phone book. (The ability to send a text message depends on the arrangement you make with your service provider.)
To save an email address, press Menu 1 4 (Phone book -
The presence of an email symbol (@) in the top right corner of the screen indicates that an email address is associated with the selected entry.
Finding names and numbers
There are several ways to find names and numbers in your phone book.
From the Ready screen
Press to access your phone book, then scroll to the desired name/number.
Tip: You can also press the number key that corresponds to the first letter of the name. (To skip ahead quickly in the list, press the number key that corresponds to the first letter of the name. For example, if you want to call your friend Katy, press the 5 key twice, quickly; once for the letter j, and once for the letter k.) The first matching entry is displayed at the top of the screen.
Using the Phone book menu
Press Menu 1 1, enter the first few letters of the name, then press OK. Your phone displays the first matching entry at the top of the screen.