7 Phone Settings
The VOIP151 driver allows you to customize your phone to a setting that best suits you.
To start configuring your phone:
1Double click the tray icon at the bottom right corner of your computer screen to
open the “VOIP151 Phone Settings” window.
1 and select one of the four options:
•General Options
•Audio Settings
•Tone Settings
•Shortcut Configuration
2The “VOIP151 Phone Settings” window will be opened.
•Click Apply to apply changes.
•Click Cancel to cancel all changes made.
•Click OK to apply changes and close the
3 and select Quit. In the exit prompt window, click Yes to
confirm exit.
To bypass the exit prompt window, tick on the Do Not Show This Message Again box before clicking Yes.
If the VOIP151 driver is closed, calls cannot be made or received through the phone.
7.1 General Options
Open the “VOIP151 Phone Settings” window and select the General Options tab.
The following settings are available:
7.1.1 Auto Start Application
When the box is ticked, the VOIP151 computer software will automatically run when you start Windows.
7.1.2 Auto Start Skype
When the box is ticked, Skype will start automatically when VOIP151 phone is plugged into the computer.
7.1.3 Language Selection
Choose a language from the
To change the language in Skype, open the Skype program and go to Tools, select Change Language and then select a language.
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