6 Voicemail
6.1 Listen to Voicemail
When there are voicemails waiting to be retrieved, the LED on the phone will blink slowly.
For details on how to get a voicemail account, please visit: http://www.skype.com/products/skypevoicemail/.
1Press and hold 1to open the voicemail list.
• On your computer, you will see:
•On the handset, the latest caller's name or number is displayed:
•If there is no voicemail, NO MESSAGE will be
displayed on the handset screen.
2Press u/d to select the voicemail you wish
to retrieve.
3Press rto listen to the voicemail.
Make a short press on e to stop a voicemail while it is being played. Press e again to close
the voicemail window and return to idle mode.
6.2Voicemail Status on computer The following icons show the status of your voicemails.
Indicates a new voicemail.
Indicates an old voicemail.
Indicates that the voicemail is currently playing.
Press e to stop playing.
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