WAP Browser
Mark Site
Used to mark a location to return to later
Use, add, delete and rename bookmarks.
Used to retrieve a text message
Save Image
To save an image from the browser
Will reload and update the current page.
Allows the user to select the home URL, and allows the user
Provides information about the type of browser and security options
Using Bookmarks
Adding to the Bookmarks menu is gained via the "In Browser" menu. Frequently accessed pages may be bookmarked to save time. This prevents the need to
Adding a Bookmark
1To access the Browser menu F e to select the browser icon in the top left of the screen, F Q or, while in the browser, it can be accessed by F + Hold Q
2Use e to select Mark Site
3Use e to select either Title or URL
4Use e to confirm Title & URL to be stored. Scroll down until Save is displayed in the primary selection area and Z Q