device. A virtual USB Comm Port will be created on your host device upon successful enumeration of the phone as a USB Communications Device Class device.
3Ensure no application in your host device is using the created COMM port. You may need to ensure that the created virtual COMM port settings are set as follows:
•Bits per second: 4800
•Data bits: 8
•Parity: None
•Stop bits: 1
•Flow control: None
4Start the GPS application on your host device. Set the GPS application to start accepting
5Set your phone to start sending NMEA- 0183 formatted location information.
Find it: M > GPS > Interface > NMEA OUT > On.
Your phone is now actively sending location
To stop your phone from sending location data:
Find it: M > GPS > Interface > NMEA OUT > Off.
Note: Each time you power your phone Off, NMEA OUT is automatically set to Off and you need to manually restart it using the menu selections above.
Your USB host device will generally provide charging power (5V, up to 500mA) to your phone via the cable therefore no other charging power to it will normally be required. However some laptops may require that you provide external AC/DC power to the laptop in