•To check voicemail messages: Press the soft key - under Call.
•To dismiss the message notification:
Press r or - under Back.
If the caller leaves a message, this icon y appears on the display, reminding you that you have a new message.
Note: This is an optional feature. Go to www.southernlinc.com/downloads or contact SouthernLINC Wireless at
LINCaround allows direct
can talk to anyone on your code and channel within your range.
Note: Range will vary based on terrain, man- made structures and atmospheric conditions.
LINCaround allows you to use code or private mode operation, use up to 10 channels and communicate with standalone LINCaround radios.
Note: LINCaround is not compatible with older Family Radio Services products.
The following features and main menu items will not be available while in LINCaround mode:
•Data transmission
•Incoming message notification