Nextel® Welcome Guide
whether such third party licenses are required and are responsible for acquiring any such licenses relating to Third Party Information. To the extent that such intellectual property licenses may be required, RIM expressly recommends that you do not install or use Third Party Information until all such applicable licenses have been acquired by you or on your behalf. Your use
Patent and Trademark Information
© 2005 Nextel Communications Inc. Nextel, and all other Nextel product and/or service names referenced throughout this guide are either a trademark, service mark or registered trademark of Nextel Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
The BlackBerry and RIM families of related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties of Research In Motion Limited. RIM, Research In Motion, 'Always On, Always Connected', BlackBerry, and BlackBerry Enterprise Server are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark office and may be pending or registered in other countries.
The BlackBerry device and/or associated software are protected by copyright, international treaties and various patents, including one or more of the following U.S. patents: 6,278,442; 6,271,605; 6,219,694; 6,075,470; 6,073,318; D445,428; D433,460; D416,256. Other patents are registered or pending in various countries around the world. Visit www.rim.com/patents.shtml <http://www.rim.com/patents.shtml> for a list of RIM patents.
Bluetooth is a trademark owned by Bluetooth, SIG, Inc. Direct Protect is a trademark of Signal Insurance Company.
All other product names or services mentioned in this manual are the property of their respective trademark owners.
Printed in Canada.