Motorola quick start T805 Installation Guide Beta

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T805 Installation Guide – BETA

c Send text message...

dreceive text messages…

eDownload MOTONAV














Send a text message with the 20 digit PIN-code of the registration voucher to one of the following numbers.

Choose a number of the country where you live, or a number of the country where you will be using MOTONAV.


(312) 714 0599

Canada / Mexico

+1 312 714 0599




07781 487 162

In all other European countries: +44 7781 487 162

You will receive 2 text messages within the next minutes:

1.Text message with your login data You will need the login data for step 4.

(Write the login data down and keep it in a safe place. For security reasons please delete the text message.)

2.Text message with MOTONAV download link

You will need the download link for step 3. (If you don’t get the 2nd text message within 15 minutes please see notice below.)


If you get only one SMS with your login and password then type:

into your mobile phone's web browser.

Then type in your MOTONAV username and click “Continue” to be connected to the MOTONAV download page. Continue with step 3b.

If your mobile phone is an operator branded Motorola phone, please visit and select branded phones or contact customer care.

3a) Open the text message with the download link

Activate the link contained in the text message to start your mobile phone’s web browser and to connect to the MOTONAV download page. (See tips below to activate link.)

3b) This will take you to the “Welcome“ screen. Follow the instructions displayed on your mobile phone.

Only for Nokia mobile phones: After downloading the application, please do not start MOTONAV immediately. First close your mobile phone’s web browser.

Tips to activate the link:

Highlight the link. Depending on your device you have to move down the mobile phone’s navigation key until the link is highlighted.

Press the menu key ( ) and select Go To.

Press the center of the navigation key. or

Select Options, Use detail and then Web address. Press Select.


Options, Find, Web address and then Options, Go to web address.

Press Open.

If you are not able to activate the link, start by typing into your mobile phone's browser.

Now start MOTONAV and follow the instructions displayed on your mobile phone to run the setup wizard (see tips below to start MOTONAV).

Note for Nokia series 40 phones before starting MOTONAV:

(e.g. 6111, 6211, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6280,..):

1)Go to “Applications” (see tips below), highlight “motonav” (do not start it!).

2)Select “Options”, “Application access”, “Communication”, “Network access” and choose “Allways allowed”.

3)Then again select “Communication”, “Connectivity” and choose “Allways allowed”.

4)Select “Phone access”, “Read user data” and choose “Always allowed”.

5)Then again select “Phone access”, “Add and edit data” and choose “Allways allowed”.

Tips to open MOTONAV:

Depending on your device the MOTONAV application will be downloaded to different folders:

Select the menu key ( ), Games & Applications

Series 40: MOTONAV is downloaded to “Menu” …


ÎApplications, Collection.

ÎApplications, Games.

Series 60: MOTONAV is downloaded to …


ÎMenu, My Own

ÎMenu, Applications

ÎMenu, Installations

MOTONAV is in the directory you specified when downloading, e.g.

ÎMain Menu, Extras.

ÎMain Menu, Entertainment.

ÎMain Menu, Organizer, Applications

If you would like a more detailed installation guide or have any problems please go to

Image 3
Contents Compatibility Physical installation instructionsMotonav software installation instructions Motonav operation instructionsTips T805 Installation Guide Beta