You can send and receive text (SMS/EMS) and multimedia (MMS) messages and access your voicemail. Each message type allows you to attach different objects. The available options are displayed in the Insert menu.
Note: Your phone can store up to 500 messages.
send a message
Find it: s> eMessages > Create Messages > Create Message
1Select a message type and enter the message.
2To insert a picture, sound, or other object, press
3When you finish the message, press OK.
4Choose one or more people and press Add.
40 messages
5Press Send.
quick text
Set your home screen to access the YQuick Text
option so that you can send messages faster.
Find it: s> wSettings > Personalize > Home Screen > Home Keys > Up, Down, Left, or Right > Quick Txt
After setup, access the text entry screen by pressing the Navigation key direction you set for
receive a message
When you receive a message, your phone plays an alert and displays the e(new message) indicator and
a new message notification.Press Read to read the