Sony Ericsson T61LX manual Call List, Missed Calls

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Call Info Menu

The Call info menu allows you to view information and

Call List




establish dialing and answering preferences for your

Press the left softkey to view the last 30 received, missed,

phone (some selections available in this menu are



and sent calls.


dependent on your service provider). It also enables you

From this list you may view details, call, add the number





to view and edit system options and call statistics.


to your phonebook, or delete theenumber.










Missed Calls




Call: Select the number you would like to call. Press










You can see the list of calls you have missed (if you have


the left softkey tolcall the number.


Caller ID service from your service provider) along with






forithe following options:


the time that the calls were received. When a missed call




is one day old, the time that the call was received is

Edit Beforer Call allows you to change the number






replaced with the date that the call was received. The


before dialing.






latest call appears first. Tilt your joystick up or down to




CC Call allows you to dial the number using a calling

scroll through the list. The Missed Calls icon


m card.




indicates a missed or unanswered call.



Add Number allows you to add the number to your








If the received number is stored in the phonebookr

with a



name, the name is also shown in the display. To dial the

Delete allows you to erase the number from your











phone number shown in the display, press the left softkey


Call List.










twice. To edit the phone number,opress once, scroll to

One of the following icons will appear next to each


EDIT BEFORE CALL thenNpress Select. Then tilt the






number in the Call List.


joystick to the left or right to move the cursor left or right







to the digit(s) that you would like to change. Dial the new

Indicates a missed call in your Call List.


phone number by pressing the left softkey.




















Call Info Menu


Image 28
Contents Mobile Phone T61LX Pending U.S. Trademarks owned by Microsoft Corporation of Redmond, Washington, U.S.AT9 Text Input is licensed under one or more Following U.S. Pat. Nos ,818,437, 5,953,541Table of Contents Recommendations Guidelines for Safe and Efficient UseEfficient Use Radio Frequency RF Exposure and SAR Electronic Devices Hearing AidsPacemakers OthereMedical Devices Power Supply Driving Disposing of the ProductChildren Emergency CallsBattery Use and Care Disposing of the BatteryLimited Warranty Our WarrantyConditions What We Will DoThis warranty does not cover any failure Adjustment, acts of God, or damage resulting fromBy installations, modifications, or repair or openingmof Warranty does not cover Product failures whichUnderstanding this User’s Guide SoftkeyCharging connector Getting To Know Your PhonePhone Views Headset jackStandby Screen Icons Options Key KeypadKey Functions SoftkeysCurrently using Move through menu, lists, or text. TiltDelete an item from a list Clear key Press and hold to mute the microphoneHow your phone is configured. See Side Enter the digits 0-9 and lettersCall Enter a Automatic speech recognitionCharging Your Battery Attaching Your BatteryGetting Started Replacing the Back Cover Back Phone Cover Upward until It clicks PlaceRemoving Your Phone’s Covers Cover removedPress down on Illustration, insert the tab intoNotchaon the phone Slide the back cover upFirst Time Battery Use Disconnecting the Charger ChargingTurning Your Phone On and Off Making and ReceivingsCallsChanginge the Earpiece Volume Receiving CallsMaking Emergency Calls Making International CallsHelp, Selecta Accessing MenusSelect My Numbers Call ContactAdd Contact Edit ContactCard Setup GroupsSet Calling Cards Calling CardsOptions Edit PositionsAsk to Save Sort OrderMemory Status Call VoicemailSelect, Call Call List Missed CallsIncoming Time SMS CounterLast Call ClearSwitch Calls Release ActiveTurn Off Tones Call Info Hold CallSounds & Alerts Message Alert My MelodiesProfiles Reset Profiles Forward CallsView Profile Call OptionsRestrict Calls Auto Area CodeCall Waiting Auto PrefixAnswering Mode Data and FaxLight Auto RetryLanguage Time and Date LocksNetworks Voice ControlReset Settings Voice Memo Calendar TimeTimer StopwatchPictures GamesCalculator Code MemoHeadset Jack MOptimum UseStatus Information Technical AssistanceTTY Call Types My Shortcuts Menu Edit shortcutsAdding Contacts Stop and Pause DialingPause temporarily suspends transmitting numbers for Selecting a Sort Order Order, Select Speed DialingCalling Contacts SuperSpeed DialingSetting Default NumbersN Deleting ContactsiChanging Position Numbers SelectSynchronizing Your Phone and PC Editing Group Names Creating New GroupsDeleting Group Members Deleting Groups Adding New Members to Existing GroupsScroll to Other and press Edit Before Sending Messages Text MessagingMessage Options Sending Messages to Groups TemplatesCreating a Template Sending a Message Later Select, Add New, ADDReceiving Text Messages Using a TemplateReading Text Messages Saving Messages to Read Later Deleting Messages Replying to MessageslList of Options Forwarding MessagesCalling the Message Sender Starting a Chat Session Messages, Select, SMS, Select, Chat, SelectSMS Chat Receiving a Chat Session InvitationNickname that will appear with every Chat message You send Recording Voice Tags TagsBefore Voice Dialing Turning Voice DialingoOnRecording Number Types Voice DialingVoice Activated Dialing Voice AnsweringStarting a Voice Memo Recording Answering Incoming CallsRejecting Incoming Calls Listening to Voice Memo RecordingsRe-recording Commands Editing Your Voice CommandsMagic Word Troubleshooting TipsSelect, Add Contact, Select T9 Text Input Yes Options available by pressing Turning Off the T9 Text InputUsing the Calendar Close, Select EditingViewing Your Calendar Calendar Settings Editing or Deleting TasksTasks, Select Synchronizing Your Phone and PCFree version of XTNDConnect PC for Sony Ericsson or Troubleshooting Error MessagesMAccessibility and Internet Technical Assistance/Customer ServiceInternet Call Timersm26 IndexKeys 11, 12 TemplatesIndex Page Index No service is available You have a new message. Your phone is in Analog mode Indicates how many messagesCall list Car profile is active Call listMenu Turn on SilentSMS AE /LZT 123 7193/2 R