Sony Ericsson manual WAP Services, Using WAP In The T20e

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The typical WAP client is a small, portable device which is connected to a wireless network. This includes mobile phones, pagers, smart phones, PDAs and other small devices. In these devices, you have a limited user interface, low memory and computing power compared to desktop and laptop computers. The WAP browser in the T20e is compliant with WAP 1.1 including security according to WTLS class 2. It is designed for WML and cannot read ordinary HTML pages, but it is suitable for interaction with customer services, e. g. ticket reservation. It is also handy when you want to access text-based information, such as timetables, share prices and exchange rates and Internet banking and other interactive services.

Using WAP In The T20e

The built-in WAP browser gives the user portable, fast and secure access to a wide variety of services, with the possibility of personalized services. WAP in the T20e offers new opportuni- ties to companies and service providers:

Bearer types

The T20e accesses WAP over a standard GSM Data connection as well as


over SMS. (Network-dependent services.)


Connection-less or connection-oriented WAP can be selected by the user.


Connection-oriented WAP provides browsing with a high reliability.

Bandwidth efficiency

One of the key advantages WAP has over text-based HTML pages on


mobile devices, is the bandwidth efficiency for communication. This is


due partly to the fact that the WAP application is communicated to the


wireless devices in the form of binary encoded data.

Provide settings

Using SMS messages, configuration settings can be sent over the air,


OTA, so that the user does not need to configure the WAP access settings



Creating WAP services

Creating a WAP service is no harder than creating an Intranet/Internet


service today since WML and WMLScript are based on well-known


Internet technology. New market segments can be addressed by launch-


ing innovative mobile Value Added Services.

Using standard tools

It is possible for the service creator to use standard tools like ASP or CGI


to generate content dynamically. You can utilize existing investments in


databases etc. that are the basis of existing Internet services. Create a ser-


vice once and make it accessible on a broad range of wireless networks.

Maintain customer base

You can adapt existing Internet services to WAP. The actual binary


encoding can be handled by the WAP Gateway which makes it possible


to create WAP applications using the text-based language WML and


other tools. In fact, existing HTML-based applications on the Internet can


be viewed in the WAP browser, if an automatic conversion is performed


in the WAP Gateway.

Improve productivity

Improve and simplify the communication flow within an organization by


making information available to mobile users. A company or organiza-


tion can use a WAP gateway to provide a secure connection to the com-


pany network for their users.

The WAP profiles

The T20e holds several WAP profiles, each with a group of network set-


tings and a home page. If you provide a corporate WAP service on your


Intranet, it is useful to enter an Intranet WAP profile in user phones. The


WAP profile holds network settings and user identification. The users


switch easily between the corporate services and WAP services on the


Internet, simply by switching WAP profile.


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Contents Mobile Phone T20e White Paper Page Contents Page Purpose Of This Document PrefaceProduct Overview Using WAP In The T20e WAP ServicesGSM Data Access Bearer Type CharacteristicsSMS Access Security Using WAP Gateway CharacteristicsConnection-oriented And Connection-less WAP Configuration Of WAP Settings Over-The-Air Provisioning Of WAP SettingsEnhanced Messaging Service EMS Powerful Messaging and ChatMelodies PicturesPicture Editor Mobile Chat Via SMS Infrared Modem ConnectivityCable Connection In-phone Functions And Features Functions and FeaturesStart-up And Shut-down Shows More In-phone Functions And FeaturesMore Network-dependent Features Network-Dependent FeaturesFixed Dialling And Restricted Calls Service Mode Support T20e SIM AT Services Supported By The T20eSIM Application Toolkit Poll Interval GET InputMore Time Polling OFFSMS PP Download SET UP CallSET UP Menu User Interaction With SIM ATSend Short Mess Terminology and Abbreviations Http HdmlHdtp HtmlWAE UssdVAD VASDocuments Related InformationLinks Trademarks And Acknowledgements Exterior Description Appendix Technical SpecificationsAmbient Temperatures GeneralDimension GSM 900/E-GSM Performance And Technical CharacteristicsGmsk Speech Coding Dimension GSMDimension Full rate Enhanced full rate Current Consumptions, Talk And Standby TimesFeature Support in the T20e WAP browser WAP Browser Technical DataWAP/WML EMS Feature Support in T20e Enhanced Messaging Service Technical DataEMS Feature Support in T20e Page Index