Display symbols (selection ) | 83 |
Strength of incoming signal.
?Charging completed.
<Battery indicator.
IAll calls are diverted.
Ringer off.
Short ringer (beep) only.
Ringer only if caller is stored in the Addressbook/Phonebook.
Alarm is set.
8Key lock active.
Transmission unencrypted.
Phone numbers/names:
%SIM Card.
6 | Phone memory. |
Restricted SIM Card. |
BNo network access.
Line 1 active (of 2 lines).
9Function active.
"Unknown network function.
Auto Call answering on.
DEF Indicates whether upper or lower- $EF case letters are active.
T9 | Text input with T9. |
xWAP Offline. WAP Online.
CInfrared standby.
DInfrared transmission.
.Headset mode.
2Additional handset mode.
pHomeStation active.
qCar Kit active.
Calendar icons
(Voice memo.
Soft keys
cMessage received.
@Voice mail received.
0Unanswered call.
#Store in Addressbook/ Phonebook.
GSIM services.
Switch to handset.
T9 word selection.
Store in archive.