If you see NSVC on the display for more than a few seconds, the phone is an area that will not support operation in the selected Mode. You must then choose another.
HOME is used within your Home Area. It is the system you are authorized on. When you are out of your Home Area, NSVC is displayed.
A TO B and B TO A are used when you travel in areas where cellular coverage is weak or split into several system types. This allows you to avoid switching back and forth manually, reducing the chances of missing calls. However, you may incur double roaming charges.
Many carriers (airtime providers) make arrangements with carriers in other cities to allow use of mobile telephones in areas other than your Home area. If you are traveling in an area where cellular service is provided, and you wish to
use your cellular phone, check with your cellular service company before leaving your Home area. They will give you information about registering and operating your cellular phone in a particular area.
In some cities, depending upon your cellular service company, no registration will be required. You may dial your phone as if you were traveling in your Home area. However, if you call a number local to the area in which you are roaming, first dial the area code of the local number (no need to dial 1 first), then the rest of the phone number. Keep in mind that calls to your Home area may incur long distance charges.
Other areas will require advanced registration. with a major credit card, or may require that al long distance calls be dialed using a telephone credit card or other charge method (collect, third telephone number). Your cellular service company can give you the information before you make the trip. If that is not possible, simply dialing a call will, in many cases, provide needed information.