it’s good to talk
Quick start: Calls
Dialing options
Find it:
Phone | Call log | Contacts | Favorites |
1 |
| 2 ABC |
| 3 DEF | |
4 GHI | 5 JKL |
| 6 MNO | ||
7PQRS | 8 TUV |
| 9 WXYZ | ||
| 0 |
Touch to open, then touch an entry to call.
Recent Calls
Touch to open, then touch an entry to call.
Enter a phone number & touch here to call it.
During a call:
• To use a Bluetooth™ |
| Speaker | |
| ||
device, touch | Add Call | End | Dialpad | |
Bluetooth. (The | ||||
| ||
device must be | Bluetooth | Mute | Speaker | |
turned on and |
•To mute a call, touch Mute.
•To use the speakerphone, touch Speaker.
Note: Using a mobile device or accessory while driving may cause distraction and may be illegal. Always obey the laws and drive safely.
Tip: You can touch Home or Back
to leave the active call display. To reopen it, touch Home
> Phone > Return to call in progress.
Make & answer calls
To make a call, touch Phone, enter a number, then touch
Tip: If the screen is locked, drag to the right. To answer a call, drag
to the right.
To end a call, touch End.
To ignore a call, drag to the left.
Calls 9