time for which you are billed by your service provider. For billing information, contact your service provider.
call times
Show call timers:
s> s Recent Calls, press Options, then > Call Times
Show time or cost information during a call:
s> w Settings >
Show the current date and time during voice calls:
s> w Settings >
call cost
Show call cost trackers:
s> s Recent Calls, press Options, then > Call Cost
Note: The use of wireless phones while driving may cause distraction. Discontinue a call if you can’t concentrate on driving. Additionally, the use of wireless devices and their accessories may be prohibited or restricted in certain areas. Always obey the laws and regulations on the use of these products.
Activate the speakerphone during a call:
Press Speaker.
auto answer (car kit or headset)
Automatically answer calls when connected to a car kit or headset:
s> w Settings > Car Settings or Headset > Auto Answer
voice dial (headset)
Enable voice dial with headset send/end key:
s> w Settings > Headset > Voice Dial
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