Touchscreen keypad
To open a display keypad, tap a text field. To close the keypad, press Back .
Type to compose |
| Send | Text Entry | ||||
| Tap to type a | ||||||
| message. |
q | w | e | r | t | y | u | i | o p |
a | s | d | f | g | h | j | k | l |
| z | x | c | v | b | n | m |
| Delete |
?123 | , |
| . |
| |
Shift |
| Space |
Tap to open a keypad for symbols and numbers.
To change your settings for this keypad, from the home screen, press Menu > Settings > Language & keyboard > Android keyboard.
Text entry settings
When you use the touchscreen keypad, your phone suggests words from your dictionary and chosen
language. Your phone also automatically enters apostrophes in some words, like “dont.”
Find it: Menu
> Settings > Language & keyboard
•To change the language and the style for your touchscreen keypad, tap Select locale.
•To edit your dictionary, tap User dictionary.
•To change the sounds, corrections, and other settings for your touchscreen keypad, tap Android keyboard.
22Text entry