When you have a new voicemail, shows at the top
of your screen. To hear the voicemail,
touch Dialer, then touch
Text entry
keys when you need them
Touchscreen keypad
You can open a touch keypad on your screen by touching a text field. To close the keypad, touch Back .
Different keyboards open for different text entry screens. For example, this keyboard opens when you create an email message:
q | w | e | r | t y | u | i | o | p | Shift | |
a | s | d | f | g | h | j | k | l | ||
| ||||||||||
| z | x | c | v | b | n | m | DEL | Delete | |
| x | |||||||||
?123 |
| . , |
| Return/ | ||
| Space |
| Line Feed | ||
| |||
Letters/Numbers |
| |||||
Touch to open a keypad for |
| ||||||||
symbols or numbers. |
22Text entry