Send - Touch to send the photo as a Message or via Bluetooth.
Use As - Touch to set as Homescreen Wallpaper, Lockscreen Wallpaper, Contacts Image, Incoming Call Image and Outgoing call image.
Rename - Touch to rename the photo.
Edit - Touch to edit the photo.
Using the advanced settings
From the viewfinder, touch to open all advanced settings options.
After selecting the option, touch the OK button.
Size - Change the size of the photo to save memory
White balance - Choose between Auto, Incandescent, Sunny, Fluorescent, and Cloudy.
Color Effect - Choose a color tone for your new photo.
Continuous Shot - Position the subject in the viewfinder, then press the capture button as if taking a normal photo. The camera will take shots in quick succession.
Night Mode - Useful to user in dark places.
Image Quality - Choose between Super fine, Fine, and Normal. The finer the quality, the sharper the photo. However, the file size will increase as a result, which means you’ll be able to store fewer photos in the memory.
Select Storage - Choose whether to save your photos to the Handset memory or to the External memory.
Hide Icons - Choose the camera setting icons to hide manually or automatically.
Show Captured Image - Choose On to check the picture you took right away.
Shutter Sound - Select one of the three shutter sounds.