Make Calls and Set Up Voicemail
Make a Phone Call (Time required: 1 minute)
1.On the Standby screen tap .
2.Type the desired phone number using the Phone keypad.
3.Press the Send button or tap
4.To end the call, press End button or tap End button
call on the screen.
During a call, tap Speaker On. The General functions speakerphone icon appears in the title bar. To turn off the speakerphone, tap Speaker Off.
If the Proximity Sensor is set to On (tap (LG Menu) >
(Settings) >
(Sensor) > Proximity Sensor) the display will automatically turn off when in close proximity to your face, allowing you to only adjust the volume or end the call. This function allows you to save power and prevents you from unintentionally activating features during a call. This function automatically turns off the display when you are close to the sensor and turns on when you move away.
You might need to reactivate the backlight to enter information or change a setting, such as entering a passcode for a conference call or changing to speakerphone mode. When the backlight turns off, press any button or tap the screen to turn the backlight back on. If you want to adjust the backlight timeout, tap Start > Settings > System tab > Backlight, and select your preffered time from your dropdown list.