]Refresh List: This refreshes the presence information of the contacts within the contact list.
]Settings: Please refer to the previous Settings Menu.
]Logout: This begins the Logout process.
When cursor is located on a Contact
]Chat/View: Chat will display a screen where conversation with selected Contact can take place / View shows conversation of the contact which conversation is already started.
]Add Contact: This adds a new contact to the selected contact list, in the meantime this searches contact on the basis of
]Delete Contact: This deletes the selected Contact.
]View Information: This allows you to view information. It provides User ID, Mood, Status Text.
]Refresh Contact: This refreshes the presence information of the selected contact.
]Settings: Please refer to the previous Settings Menu.
]Logout: This begins the Logout process.
Menu options available in the Conversation screen
]Send: Typed message can be sent.
]Back To List: This brings the screen back to the contact list.
]End Conversation: This ends the active conversation and clears the conversation buffer.
]Save Conversation: Stores currently active conversation.
]Add T9 dictionary: You can add your own word. This menu can be shown only when the edit mode is Predictive.
]T9 Languages: Select the language for T9 input mode.