IV. Machine Language Programming
VIP Machine Coding
For a complete description of machine language instructions, refer to the User Manual for the CDP1802 COSMAC Microprocessor MPM201A. Your COSMAC VIP computer incorporates the following special
69Turn display on (Bus
6B Input port byte + MX,D (Optional)
61Turn display off (MX
One 64 instruction is always executed by the Operating System. It can also be used in expanded systems if desired. Instructions 65, 66, 67, 6A, 6C, 6D, 6E, and 6F are also available for use in expanded systems.
The External Flag lines are used as follows:
EF1 | Generated by the video interface |
| (CDPI861) |
EF2 | Serial data from cassette player |
EF3 | Hex key pressed signal |
EF4 | Not used in basic system |
EF4 can be used for system expansion. EF3 can also be used in expanded systems if no key will be depressed at the same time that an external device is using EF3. EF1 can only be used by an external device when the display is turned off. EF2 should not be used in expanded systems.
The latched Q line output performs several functions in the COSMAC VIP system. When set, it holds the Q light on and generates a continuous speaker tone. Ile Q line is also used for serial output data to a cassette recorder. You can use the Q output line as a control signal in an expanded system if you avoid conflicts with its normal functions.
You can store a machine language program starting at location 0000. It will be executed when you flip the RUN switch up. Initially P=0, X=0, R0=0000, Q=0, and R1=0XFF, where 0X= last page of
Putting Machine Coding and
The operating system and the