Appendix A - Test and Operating Data
Byte Pattern for Displaying "COSMAC"
The following figure shows how the word "COSMAC" would be formed by spots (or bits) on the display screen.
The following bytes when loaded into memory will cause the word "COSMAC" to be shown on the display in a
0700 F9 F3 E6 CF 9F 00 00 00
0708 81 12 07 C8 90 00 00 00
0710 81 13 E5 4F 90 00 00 00
0718 81 10 24 48 90 00 00 00
0720 F9 F3 E4 48 9F 00 00 00
0728 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Beeper Program
This machine- language program flashes the Q light and beeps at a rate determined by the byte at location 0002. Change this byte for faster or slower rates.
0000 7A F8 0F BF 2F 9F 3A 04
0008 31 00 7B 30 01 00 00 00