Recent Calls To select a recipient from your Recent Calls. Recent Messages
Inbox/ Sent Choose
to select a recipient
from your Recent Messages. Groups Select a recipient from your Groups.
Cancel Cancels the text message.
4.Complete your message and send or save it.
Customize Your Text Message Using Options
While you are composing the text of a message, you have various options to customize the text.


2.Use or press
to highlight the text entry window.
3. Press Right Soft Key
4. Select the option(s) to customize.
Add Templates/ Signature Save As Draft/ Templates Priority Level Normal/ High Callback # On/ Off Delivery Notice On/ Off Cancel Cancels the text message.
5.Complete your message and send or save it.
Message Icon Reference
New/Unread Text/Picture Message
Opened/Read Text/Picture Message
New/Unread Notification Message
Opened/Read Notification Message
Priority High