HTC Rev. A05 service manual FM Radio

Page 7

HTC Corporation


Doc. Title

Diamond Service Manual

Doc. No.

DOC-00040624 REV.

Issued Date




Revised Date



7 of 109

￿Tri-Axis Accelerometer

￿Resolution: 1.22 milli-g

rtrait￿ Auto/ landscapepo mode change when device

orientation change

FM Radio

ring￿ Turange: 87.5Mhz ~ 108Mhz

ency￿ Frequspace: 100Khz to￿ Auchannel search

Digital Camera

amera:￿ Main (manufacture option) ga￿ 3-pixmel camera auto focus d￿camera:2n (manufacture option)

￿Color CMOS VGA camera

Keyboard/Button/Switch wer￿ Pobutton (Wake up key)

￿Short Press: system on/off ng￿ LoPress: power on/off

C￿ navigatorHT include -￿way5 navigator pad


ack￿ B / Clear


-gLonpress during the call: handsfree on/off


e￿Up/DownVolum button



￿Notification by sound, vibration, navigator LEDs or status shown on the display


￿Built-in Microphone


ud￿ Lospeaker for Hands-Free supported

uplex￿ Full d

o￿samplingAudi rate

￿Recording (uplink): 8-bits or 16-bits with 8KHz, 11KHz, 22KHz, 44KHz

ck￿ Playba(downlink): 16-bits with 44KHz

￿AMR-NB/AMRWB/ AAC/AAC+/eAAC+/WAV/WMA/MP3 codec o￿PathAudi Routing

oth￿ Blueto



set￿ Head

Connectivity & Interface

oth￿ Blueto

￿Compliant with v2.0 with EDR ass￿ Cl2 transmit power

ported￿ Sup profiles:

P￿ (genericGA access profile) erial￿ SPPport(sprofile) bject￿ OPPpush(o profile)

￿GOEP (generic object exchange profile) tiveSync￿ Ac -Over-Bluetooth

￿HSP (headset profile)

P￿ (handsfreeHF profile)

DP￿ A2(Advanced Audio Distribution profile)

￿AVRCP (Audio/Video Remote control Profile) D￿ (HumanHI interface device profile) cess￿ SIMProfileAc

ce￿ ServiDiscovery Application Profile

￿BPP (basic printing profile)

￿FTP (file transfer profile)

￿PAN (personal area networking profile)

￿DUN (Dial-up profile)

￿PBAP (Phone Book Access Profile)



Image 7
Contents Diamond Revision Control Table REV Date Contents Table of Contents Introduction Memory Product FeaturesGPS Qualcomm Based solution FM Radio Stylus Compatibility Test EZ SIP ZIP Regulatory Product overview HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation Tools List Device Disassembling and Assembling ProcedureDisassembling procedure HTC Corporation Speaker HTC Corporation HTC Corporation Disconnect the FPC Cable by Using Twezeers Carefully HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation +LCD Module Assembling procedure HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation Main Board and Lock with Hook HTC Corporation HTC Corporation Torque 0.5 ± 0.1KGF-CM 72H02454-00M HTC Corporation Torque 0.9 ± 0.1KGF-CM 72H02474-00M 72H02767-00M *2 Torque 0.5 ± 0.1KGF-CM 72H02668-00M 72H02474-00M Assembly Completed Download OS Image from SDO ROM upgrade thru RUU Re-flash Upgrade UtilityCheck the setting of menu Connect device to PCRUU-1 RUURUU-4 Format SD card and copy image file to SD card Rom Image upgrade thru SD cardHTC Corporation Doc. Title SD UpgradeAfter finish, press Reset button to reboot List of Diagnostic / WinCE Test Items Diagnostic ProgramUnit Repair Process Pre-load Process-2 Doc. Title Pre-load Process-1Pre-load Process-3 Pre-load Process-5 Doc. Title Pre-load Process-4Pre-load Process-6 Pre-load Process-8 Doc. Title Pre-load Process-7Pre-load Process-9 Pre-load Table Pre-load Process-10Folder Name Bluetooth Test-2 WinCE Test Bluetooth TestBluetooth Test-3 Camera Test USB TestFM Radio Test GPS TestWlan Test Audio Test-2 Audio Test-1Audio Test-3 Audio Test-5 Audio Test-4Cap Sensor Test-3 Doc. Title Audio Test-6Cap Sensor Test-1 Cap Sensor Test-2HTC Corporation Diagnostic Main Menu/Function Test Menu Test ProcedureAuto Test LED Test Stylus Detect TestROM Checksum Test Display Test BLUE/ Black pattern Display Test and RED/ Green patternDisplay Test WHITE/Color bar pattern Key Test Vibrator TestLCD Back Light Test Sensor Test Control box Main board leakage current Test ProcedureTypes Jig Equipment set upStart testing Idle current test Sleep current test Copy the Battery Rundown tool into the device Battery rundown test procedureTest Requirement Battery Rundown-2 Doc. Title Battery Rundown-1Battery Rundown-3 Battery Rundown-5 Doc. Title Battery Rundown-4Battery Rundown-6 Please replace a new batteryClasses definition of inspective area Cosmetic Inspection CriteriaDisplay inspection Step Between Mating Parts Main unit inspection.Buttons Do Not Respond Generic Troubleshooting.Main Unit Does Not Respond to Power Button .Touch Panel Does Not Respond to Screen Tap.Back Light Does Not Turn ON/OFF .Unusual Vertical / Horizontal lines or partial display.PC Connection not possible 10.No Sound from Speaker or Distorted sound .Battery Pack does not start.Battery discharges quickly even after fully charged .Battery Pack does not recharge11.No Recorded Sound or Distorted sound 12.Wireless connection WLAN/BT not functioning12.GPS not functioning 12.Internal storage device not functioning Agency labelDIAM100 Generic Labeling PlanDescription Agency labelDIAM110 Agency labelDIAM120 Agency labelDIAM130 Agency labelDIAM140 Agency labelDIAM300 Unit label location explanation Standard battery 900mAhLi-ionEnglish version Battery labelStandard battery 900mAhLi-ion Polymer Desay English version SPL for Repair Generic Spare Part List and PhotosHTC Corporation HTC Corporation HTC Corporation 100 101 102 Board Level 2.5 Repairs „ Basic Repair Instructions for Component ReplacementDescription 51H40485-XXMPCBA-MAIN Board Side aMAM3 MAM7 MAM2 Location Description 51H40485-XXMPCBA-MAIN Board Side BMAM14 Wcdma Band Eirp & Sensitivity Test RF Antenna SpecificationChannel