♦If you set the language as others, 70 characters can be contained in each message (including 0).
In standby mode, push the Scroll key up to enter SMS>Create; or open the main menu, and select Mobile>Messages>SMS>Create.
1.To enter the content.
2.Press Dial key (Option) to access the option menu: Send: To send the message
Save: To save the message
Insert template: To insert the template selected from the template list
Insert name: To insert the names selected from the list
Insert number: To insert the numbers selected from the list
Send to group: To send the message to a group of persons
♦In the message entry screen, press the Power key to delete the characters to the left of the cursor; Press and hold Power key to clear all the characters.
♦The SMS will be divided into at most 6 continuous pieces automatically and send them one by one if the characters entered in one message exceeds the character limits. The upper limit is 912 English letters in purely English language or 396 characters in other languages.
Deleting messages
Open the main menu, select Mobile>Messages>SMS>Inbox, Outbox or Saved items.
Delete all:To delete all of the messages in this folder.