or Phone.
2.Press the Dial key (Select).
3.Press the Dial key to select OK on the
Horo Bump
1.In the main menu, select Game>Horo bump.
2.Press the Dial key or Scroll key to open the option menu. New Game: To start to play a new round.
Select stage: To select a game stage.
High score: To check the top score of the game.
Help: To check the instructions and illustration description.
About: To check the version of the game.
Quit: To quit the game and return to the previous menu.
Angel Cube
1.In the main menu, select Game>Angle cube.
2.Press the Dial key or Scroll key to open the option menu. New Game: To start to play a new round.
Collection: To check the collected card.
Help: To check the instructions and rules.
About: To check the version of the game.
High score: To check the top score of different level or in certain mode.
Quit: To quit the game and return to the previous menu.