To see album artwork on iPod:
1Play a song that has album artwork.
2From the Now Playing screen, press the Center button twice. If you don’t see artwork, either that song doesn’t have album artwork, or you need to set iTunes to allow iPod to display album artwork (see above).
For more information about album artwork, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help.
Viewing Lyrics on iPod
If you enter lyrics for a song in iTunes (see “Adding Lyrics” on page 19), and then load the song onto iPod, you can view the lyrics on iPod.
To view lyrics on iPod while a song is playing:
mOn the Now Playing screen, press the Center button until you see the lyrics. The screen displays the lyrics, which you can scroll through as the song plays.
Listening to Podcasts
Podcasts are downloadable
To listen to a podcast:
1Choose Music > Podcasts, and then choose a show.
Shows appear in reverse chronological order so that you can listen to the most recent one first. You see a blue dot next to shows and episodes you haven’t listened to yet.
2Choose an episode to play it.
The Now Playing screen displays the show, episode, and date information, along with elapsed and remaining time. Press the Center button to see more information about the podcast. If the podcast includes artwork, you also see a picture. Podcast artwork can change during an episode, so you might see several pictures during the podcast.
You can also load video podcasts. When you browse for a video podcast, you only hear the podcast. To see the video, choose Videos > Video Podcasts and find the video podcast you want.
If the podcast you’re listening to has chapters, you can press the
For more information about podcasts, open iTunes and choose Help > iTunes Help. Then search for “podcasts.”
Chapter 2 Music Features