8.TALK Key: Allows you to place or receive a call. In standby mode, press the key once to access the Recent call log. If you press and hold the key down, you will initiate the Voice Recognition feature.
9.Voicemail Key: Press and hold to automatically dial your voicemail.
10.Numeric Keypad: Use these keys to enter numbers, letters, and characters.
11.Shift/Asterisk Key: Enters the asterisk [*] character for calling features. In text entry mode, press to change the character input type.
12.Power Interface Connector: The power interface connector is used to plug in the charging accessories.
13.Accessory Interface Connector: This connector is used to connect any available accessory cables to your phone.
14.Microphone: The Microphone allows the other caller to hear you clearly when you are speaking to them.
15.Space/Pound Key: Enters the pound [#] character for calling features. In text entry mode, press to enter a space.
16.BACK Key: Deletes characters from the display when you are in text entry mode. When in a menu, press to return to the previous menu. This key also allows you to return to the previous screen in a Sprint PCS Vision session.
17.END Key: Ends a call. Press and hold this key for a few seconds to turn your phone On or Off. While in the main menu, it returns the phone to standby mode and