Create an email account
Before you can send or receive email messages, you must create an email account.
1.On the Home screen, press <Start> → Messaging → Setup Email.
To easily create an email account, press <Start> → Email Wizard.
2.Enter your email address and password, and press <Next>.
3.To manually set up email account, clear the check box next to Try to get
4.Press <Next>.
5.Select the predefined email provider and press <Next>.
6.Enter your name and account name, and press <Next>.
7.Enter the incoming mail server and select the account type, and press <Next>.
8.Enter a user name and password, and press <Next>.
9.Enter the outgoing mail server and press <Next>.
10.Set how often your device connects to the server and checks for incoming email messages in Automatic Send/Receive (if necessary).
11.Press <Finish>.
Send an email message
1.On the Home screen, press <Start> → Messaging.
2.Select the name of an email account.
3.Press <Menu> → New.
4.Enter an email address in the To field or press <Menu> → Add Recipient to select a contact.
5.Scroll down and enter a message subject.