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How to level the treadmill:
An uneven floor or improper stabilizer level can cause the treadmill to wobble during use as well as the incline adjustment to function incorrectly. Please follow the procedure described below to make sure the treadmill stabilizer is adjusted correctly prior to use. You may need the assistance of another person to perform this adjustment.
1. There are four stabilizers and two cushions located on the underside of the treadmill as shown in drawing 1. These all need to sit firmly on the floor to prevent the treadmill from wobbling during use.
1. Four stabilizers towards the rear and two cushions at the front.
2.Inspect each side of the treadmill base frame. The treadmill should sit on the floor with all four stabilizers and both cushions resting firmly on the floor as shown in drawing 2. Shake the handlebars back and forth to check if they are resting firmly on the floor. If they are not, tilt the treadmill to one side to adjust the stabilizers as shown in drawing 3. Simply turn the stabilizers like a screw to adjust their heights. Repeat this until the treadmill sits firmly on the floor.
2. Check position of stabilizers and cushions.
3. Tilt treadmill to access stabilizers.