Getting Started
In this section you will learn how to | Plus, you will discover how to read |
install a book card and how to select | the topics in the Instructions menu. |
a book once a book card has been | The Instructions menu will help you |
installed. | learn how to play a CrossWire game |
You will be shown how to view a brief | as well as how to develop strategies |
demonstration about the CrossWire | which you can use in both the |
Trivia Game. Also, you will be able to | CrossWire and HighWire rounds. |
set the shutoff time and screen con- | After this brief “Getting Started” |
trast from the Setup menu. | section, you will be ready to play. |
| Fame and fortune await. Good Luck! |
Installing a Book Card | 4 |
Selecting a Book | 4 |
Using the Color Keys | 5 |
Viewing a Demonstration | 5 |
Changing the Settings | 6 |
Reading the Instructions | 6 |