1.Eachplayer launchesdats at the other players.
2.When a playeristagged,that playeris eliminatedand must sit out the rest'rthe game.
3.The last playerstandingwins and isdeclaredthe winner.
-- -
I.Oneplapr b designated"The R a w and wears a vest. but has no blasdr.
2."The Rabbit" has a
13. The other players must chase down The Rabbi."
4.N t honetag,The Rabbi is immobilized.
5.AH playersfneeue and 'TheRabbii swaps places with any other player.
6.The new 'Rabbit"is given a new
| 7. To increaseUle challenge, the numberof tags that immobilize'TheRabbii can be increased | I | |||
| I | prior to resumingplay. | II | ||
| I1. One playerfrom each team wears the vest backwards and becomes he Mark." | ||||
| 2. The other playersbecomeshields |
| I | ||
| 3. Shields can take multipletags but |
| |||
| can moveagain. |
| ||
| 14. Onetag on 'TheMark"and the game ends. | I | |||
, | I1. One playeron each team is designated'TheWitch Doctor." | I | |||
1 | |||||
- | 2. When any of 'TheWitch Doctor's" playersare tagged, they freeze. | I | |||
3. Frozenteammatescannot move until"The Witch Doctor"touches themand raises them | |||||
I | fromnTheDead: |
4. 'TheWitch Doctor" canalso raise 'TheDead" from the opposingteam r hislher own army. 5. The game is over when 'TheWitch Doctor" is tagged.
1.Two flags are set up, one at each team'shome base.
lag. 2. Eachteam tries to capture the opposingteam'sflag andbringit backto t homebase.
1.) 3. When individualplayersare tagged, they must stop and return to the h me base and cannot resumeplay until20seconds have been counted aloud.
I4. When individual playedaretaggedwith the flag, it must be droppedandthey must returnto the homebase and caM(esurne play until20 seconds have beencountedaloud. The flag is left where the player was t&ged.
5.The opposingteam may returntheir flag back to their base as long as i/lthe processthey are not tagged. If they are tagged, the flag is dropped andthe tagged rson must return to hidherhome base. Play cannot be resumedbyUlat playeruntil 20 q d s have been counted aloud.
6.The game is won by a team when it successfully bringsthe other team'sflbg to their home base.
1.One 'CentralFlag" isset up, in the center of a field.
2.Eachteam tries to capture the flag and bringit back to their home bas
3.When individual players are tagged, they home baseandcannot resume play until
I.) 4. When individualplayers are taggedwhile carryingthe flag, it must | |
I | player must returntothe home base. Ray cannot be resumedby |
seconds have been counted aloud.
5.The flag is always played from where it lays.
6.A team wins the game when itsuccessfully brings the "Central Flagvto tleir homebase.
starts from the beginning with 'TheSuper Bodysnatcher"attackingthy rest of the players.
I The NERF Dart Tag MaqStrikeTbBlaster takes Dart Tag to the next level | I | |||||
| and sharpens the tagging skills ~ n instinctsd only you possess. Its |
| I | |
I Magazines and |
| |||||
I advantage over your Dart Tag oI'ponents. |
| ||||
| |||||
I | Now go play, and earn the MaggtrikeTMpower you possess. |
| I | |||
| The NERF Dart Tag FIRESTRI~Eblaster takes your blasting to a whole new | |||||
| ||
| environment - the DARK! Now bou can blast your Dart Tag opponents with |
| |
| precision accuracy - even in th$ dark! |
CAUTION: Do not aim at ;yes or facb.
TO Amlo Mum Use only darts Designed for this product.
Do not modify arts or dart blasters.
Always wear VblON GEARTMeyewear provided.
I |
| I |
Includes: 1 Dart Tao MAGSTRIKE" $laster 1 FIRE STRIKETMBlaster. 1Adiustable Scorina |