Congratulations on your purchase of Fox Sports Baseball from Excalibur Electronics. With its virtual vibration when the bat hits the ball, and sound effects for home runs
and other exciting plays, this
This game provides you with hours of enjoyment and a fun way to pass the time when you need it most.
Fox Sports Baseball accommodates one or two players, so you can play against the computer or against a friend. Read the manual thoroughly to ensure you understand the product and how to play for maximum enjoyment.
Come on, let’s play ball!
Fox Sports TM & © 2006 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
The legendary King Arthur brandished a magic sword, Excalibur, from which we take our company name. With this unique weapon in his hands, he could not be vanquished.
Although Excalibur Electronics can’t claim the magical secrets of Merlin, King Arthur’s court wizard, sometimes our patented technology may make it seem as if we could.
We make you think!