Scroll through the categories by pressing the top and bottom of the touch screen. There are five SPE-
DRINKS. The line you are on will be marked with an [>] indicating your position in the list. A plus sign [+] on the right side of an entry means that more informa- tion is available if you press the right side of the screen area. When you’ve marked the catego- ry you would like to view, press the right side of the touch screen.
Please refer to steps three and
four in the “FINDING DRINKS BY
NAME” section to continue.
For example, if you are search- ing for PIÑA COLADA, select
BLENDER DRINKS in the special
category. Press the right side of the touch screen. Scroll down by pressing the bottom part of the touch screen or pressing the ABC button. When you’ve reach Piña Colada, press the right side of the touch screen to view its informa- tion.
Apertif Menu
From the Drinks Menu screen, select “LIQUOR NAME” by pressing the right side of the touch screen. If you’d like to scroll by first let- ter through the categories, first press the ABC button. Then con- tinue to press the ABC button to move alphabetically by first letter through the index. The direction the ABC button uses will corre- spond to the last direction (up or down) most recently used.
When you reach the first letter of the category you wish to find, resume using the top and bottom of the touch screen to scroll through the categories one at a time. As you scroll, the line you
information is available if you press the right side of the screen area. When the category you want to see is indicated, press the right side of the touch screen.
Please refer to steps three and
four in the “FINDING DRINKS BY
NAME” section to continue.
For example, if you are search- ing for a Gin and Tonic you would select GIN from the LIQUOR NAME section. Press the right side of the touch screen. Scroll down by pressing the bottom part of the touch screen or pressing the ABC button. When you’ve reach GIN AND TONIC, press the right side of the touch screen to view its infor- mation.
From the Drinks menu screen, indicate “ALCOHOL (NO LOW)” by pressing the right side of the touch screen. Then select NO
pressing the right side of the
touch screen.
You will view the list of non- alcoholic drinks after selecting NO ALCOHOL or the list of drinks con- taining low amounts of alcohol after selecting LOW ALCOHOL. Please refer to steps three and
four in the “FINDING DRINKS BY
NAME” section to continue.
For example, if are searching for an Innocent A.J. you would select NO ALCOHOL from the ALC- COHOL (NO LOW) section. Press the right side of the touch screen. Scroll down by pressing the bot- tom part of the touch screen or pressing the ABC button. When. . you’ve reached INNOCENT A J , press the right side of the touch screen to view its information.
Innocent AJ Drinks Menu
are on will be marked with an [>] indicating your position in the list. A plus sign [+] on the right side of an entry means that more
If a line is longer than 14 characters and COMPRESSED text is off, the line will scroll from left to right when highlighted.