GETTING STARTED | How to Use | |
| HOME button. | |
Put two AA and two AAA bat- | All of the screens include eight | |
teries into your Bar Master | lines at a time and up to 21 char- | |
Professional, as described in the | acters per line. (Please see page | |
“Installing Batteries” section on | 11 to change your settings to turn | |
page 4. After you’ve inserted the | off compressed text. Your Bar | |
batteries, a voice will welcome | Master Professional automatically | |
you to your Bar Master Profes- | defaults to compressed text.) | |
sional. If you do not hear a voice | Move your cursor to lines con- | |
after inserting the batteries, use a | taining more than 21 characters | |
thin, pointed object like a ball- | and they will scroll left to right. | |
point pen to press the RESET but- | HOME MENU | |
ton on the back of the unit. After | ||
you hear the welcome message, a | The Home menu screen in- | |
copyright screen will be displayed | cludes the following options: | |
on the screen. |
Press any key to begin. “BAR | Home Menu |
MASTER PRO” will flash and the | You can scroll through the list |
Home Menu screen will appear. | |
When you are in the Home Menu | by pressing the top and bottom of |
screen, a Home icon will appear | the touch screen. An arrow on the |
information is available if you press the right side of the screen area. Once you’ve chosen your desired item, press the right side of the screen to confirm your selection.
Find everything you want to know about your favorite
When you are accessing drinks by liquor name or mixer, the com- puter must search through all of the drink ingredients. Because this can sometimes take a while, a
When you are accessing drinks by name, some names will be fol- lowed by a double plus sign [++] symbol. This means that there is an additional submenu of named drinks that all have the same first word in their name.
For example, in the drinks menu, BACARDI is followed by the
“++” symbol. If you press the right side of the screen, you’ll see two options listed: BACARDI+ and
lowed by only one plus sign. Another impressive feature of
the Bar Master Professional is that most drink ingredients can also be found in the “Glossary” section. This way you can learn more about the makeup and his- tory of the ingredients.
On the Home menu screen, use the top and bottom of the touch screen to indicate “DRINKS” and press the right side of the touch screen. The following new screen will be displayed.
The Drinks menu screen in- cludes the following options:
Drinks Menu
in the upper right hand corner of | left side of the line marks your |
the display. You can return to this | position. A plus sign on the right |
menu at any time by pressing the | side of an entry means more |
6 |
NOTE: If a line is longer than 21 characters, an item will
scroll from left to right when indicated.