★ YourAquapetknowssixdifferentsongs! | ★ |
Can you get it to play all of them?
★ YourAquapetplaysgames,too! | ★ |
Aquapets love to play a game that is like Rock, Paper, Scissors. When your Aquapet is in the mood to play, music will start and the Aquapet will sway from side to side. Try to anticipate its
If you predict it will go to the left, press the ★ button.
If you think it will go to the right, press the ❤ button.
You win if you read your Aquapet’s mind. It will play songs and dance for you in joy!
You lose if you choose the wrong direction! The Aquapet will be unhappy and sulk.
★ IfyouignoreyourAquapet,itwillfallasleep. | ★ |
The Aquapet will try to get your attention, but if it you do not respond, a “good night” lullaby will play and it will take a nap.
HINT: If you have two or more Aquapets, place them together and they will
make happy sounds and play with each other!
★ HowtoputyourAquapettosleep: | ★ |
Press both ★ and ❤ buttons simultaneously and hold until you hear the lullaby (about 3 seconds.) Your Aquapet will fall asleep!
To wake your Aquapet up, quickly tap either button twice. The “good morning” melody will sound and the Aquapet will greet you, ready to play!
Remember, Aquapets are mystical creatures. No one knows what they are going to do. Here are some of the responses they will give, but explore them for yourself! After a while you will know whether your Aquapet is happy or complaining.
Enjoy your Aquapet!
Jingly Bells
Munching Sounds
Attention Sound
Unhappy chirping
Side to side:
No; I don’t like this; I’m unhappy!
Up and Down: